

Protocol and the Treaties of the European Union

Description of Protocol provided by the European Union Commission: The term “protocol” is used for agreements less formal than those entitled “treaty” or “convention”. The term could be used to cover the following kinds of instruments: (a) A Protocol of Signature is an instrument subsidiary to a treaty, and drawn up by the same parties. Such a Protocol deals with ancillary matters such as the interpretation of particular clauses of the treaty, those formal clauses not inserted in the treaty, or the regulation of technical matters. Ratification of the treaty will normally ipso facto involve ratification of such a Protocol. (b) An Optional Protocol to a Treaty is an instrument that establishes additional rights and obligations to a treaty. It is usually adopted on the same day, but is of independent character and subject to independent ratification. Such protocols enable certain parties of the treaty to establish among themselves a framework of obligations which reach further than the general treaty and to which not all parties of the general treaty consent, creating a “two-tier system”. The Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 1966 is a well-known example. (c) A Protocol based on a Framework Treaty is an instrument with specific substantive obligations that implements the general objectives of a previous framework or umbrella convention. Such protocols ensure a more simplified and accelerated treaty-making process and have been used particularly in the field of international environmental law. An example is the 1987 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer adopted on the basis of Arts.2 and 8 of the 1985 Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer. (d) A Protocol to amend is an instrument that contains provisions that amend one or various former treaties, such as the Protocol of 1946 amending the Agreements, Conventions and Protocols on Narcotic Drugs. (e) A Protocol as a supplementary treaty is an instrument which contains supplementary provisions to a previous treaty, e.g. the 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees to the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees. (f) A Proces-Verbal is an instrument that contains a record of certain understandings arrived at by the contracting parties.

Concept of Protocol

An introductory definition of Protocol is provided here: Matters of etiquette and ceremony followed by heads of state, foreign ministers, ambassadors, and the diplomatic corps in interactions with other nations’ representatives.

Concept of Protocol

Note: explore also the meaning of this legal term in the American Ecyclopedia of Law.

Definition of Protocol

Within the context of international human rights, the following is a brief meaning of protocol: A treaty which modifies another treaty (e.g., adding additional procedures or substantive provisions).


Embracing mainstream international law, this section on protocol explores the context, history and effect of the area of the law covered here.

Meaning of Protocol

Here is a very short concept of protocol in the European Union framework: An annex to a Treaty, having legal force and generally containing an amplification or exception to the main text, such as an opt-out or the statute of a new institution.


See Also

  • Foreign Affairs
  • National Defense


See Also

  • Foregin Policy
  • Foreign Affairs


See Also

  • Foreign Policy
  • Foreign Relations
  • Trade Regulation
  • Public Policy
  • International Relations


Notas y References

See Also


Further Reading

  • The entry “protocol” in the Parry and Grant Encyclopaedic Dictionary of International Law (currently, the Encyclopaedic Dictionary of International Law, 2009), Oxford University Press


See Also

  • Human Rights


See Also

Popular Treaties Topics

  • Treaties of the United Nations (UN)
  • Types of Treaties
  • International Treaties
  • Famous Treaties
  • Law of Treaties
  • Numbered Treaties

Protocol and the Treaties of the European Union

Description of Protocol provided by the European Union Commission: The term “protocol” is used for agreements less formal than those entitled “treaty” or “convention”. The term could be used to cover the following kinds of instruments: (a) A Protocol of Signature is an instrument subsidiary to a treaty, and drawn up by the same parties. Such a Protocol deals with ancillary matters such as the interpretation of particular clauses of the treaty, those formal clauses not inserted in the treaty, or the regulation of technical matters. Ratification of the treaty will normally ipso facto involve ratification of such a Protocol. (b) An Optional Protocol to a Treaty is an instrument that establishes additional rights and obligations to a treaty. It is usually adopted on the same day, but is of independent character and subject to independent ratification. Such protocols enable certain parties of the treaty to establish among themselves a framework of obligations which reach further than the general treaty and to which not all parties of the general treaty consent, creating a “two-tier system”. The Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 1966 is a well-known example. (c) A Protocol based on a Framework Treaty is an instrument with specific substantive obligations that implements the general objectives of a previous framework or umbrella convention. Such protocols ensure a more simplified and accelerated treaty-making process and have been used particularly in the field of international environmental law. An example is the 1987 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer adopted on the basis of Arts.2 and 8 of the 1985 Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer. (d) A Protocol to amend is an instrument that contains provisions that amend one or various former treaties, such as the Protocol of 1946 amending the Agreements, Conventions and Protocols on Narcotic Drugs. (e) A Protocol as a supplementary treaty is an instrument which contains supplementary provisions to a previous treaty, e.g. the 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees to the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees. (f) A Proces-Verbal is an instrument that contains a record of certain understandings arrived at by the contracting parties.


See Also

Popular Treaties Topics

  • Treaties of the United Nations (UN)
  • Types of Treaties
  • International Treaties
  • Famous Treaties
  • Law of Treaties
  • Numbered Treaties

Hierarchical Display of Protocol

Politics > Political framework > Political institution
International Relations > International affairs > International affairs > Diplomatic relations > Diplomatic protocol
European Union > European Union law > European treaties > Protocol (EU)


Concept of Protocol

See the dictionary definition of Protocol.

Characteristics of Protocol

[rtbs name=”xxx-xxx”]


Translation of Protocol

Thesaurus of Protocol

Politics > Political framework > Political institution > Protocol
International Relations > International affairs > International affairs > Diplomatic relations > Diplomatic protocol > Protocol
European Union > European Union law > European treaties > Protocol (EU) > Protocol

See also

  • Order of precedence
  • Order of protocol


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