Tag: Voting

  • Civil Society

    Civil Society in Election Law Associations, organisations and unions that are active in public affairs and constitute an independent counterforce to the powers that be. In democracies, all persons have a right to participate in public affairs, including in civil society activities and, through […]

  • Observer

    Observer and the GATT Policy Negotiations In relation to the GATT Policy Negotiations, Christopher Mark (1993) provided the following explanation and/or definition of Observer: An observer to the GATT is a country or international organization that has been authorized by the GATT Council (Sec. […]

  • Observer

    Observer and the GATT Policy Negotiations In relation to the GATT Policy Negotiations, Christopher Mark (1993) provided the following explanation and/or definition of Observer: An observer to the GATT is a country or international organization that has been authorized by the GATT Council (Sec. […]

  • Secret Ballot

    Secret Ballot in Election Law A fundamental principle in democratic elections, by which the voter is entitled to vote without being seen by others, a potential source of pressure and intimidation which could invalidate the freedom of choice. An election authority is therefore obliged to […]

  • Electoral Reform

    Introduction Electoral Reform, elimination of undemocratic, dishonest, and corrupt practices in the conduct of public elections. Reform is usually effected by statutory enactments that contain provisions for accomplishing one or more of the following ends: a change in the qualification […]

  • Electoral System

    Electoral System in Constitutional Law From the Comparative Constitutions Project: The structures and processes necessary to hold an election including the electoral laws, system of appointment, redistribution and voting. Electoral System in Election Law The part of the electoral regulations […]

  • Electoral System

    Electoral System in Constitutional Law From the Comparative Constitutions Project: The structures and processes necessary to hold an election including the electoral laws, system of appointment, redistribution and voting. Electoral System in Election Law The part of the electoral regulations […]

  • Representative Democracy

    Representative Democracy in Election Law Democracy in which the people do not exercise power directly but rather through representatives, elected periodically through free, secret and universal suffrage. Concept of Representative Democracy Note: explore also the meaning of this legal term in […]

  • Representative Democracy

    Representative Democracy in Election Law Democracy in which the people do not exercise power directly but rather through representatives, elected periodically through free, secret and universal suffrage. Concept of Representative Democracy Note: explore also the meaning of this legal term in […]

  • Municipality

    Municipality in Election Law A local administrative division composed of several villages or sometimes city districts, usually represented by an elected body which protects its interests and oversees the administration of its affairs. A municipality is usually financially and administratively […]

  • Municipality

    Municipality in Election Law A local administrative division composed of several villages or sometimes city districts, usually represented by an elected body which protects its interests and oversees the administration of its affairs. A municipality is usually financially and administratively […]

  • Violence

    Violence Definition Violence may be defined as a physical attack of another person. Activities that may legally involve violence include hunting, law enforcement, sports, and war. Crime includes many illegal forms of violence. The first point that has to be clarified is the meaning of the […]

  • Violence

    Violence Definition Violence may be defined as a physical attack of another person. Activities that may legally involve violence include hunting, law enforcement, sports, and war. Crime includes many illegal forms of violence. The first point that has to be clarified is the meaning of the […]

  • Vote

    Ordinal Vote in Constitutional LawFrom the Comparative Constitutions Project: A rank ordering of votes for either candidates or parties.

  • Primary Election

    Introduction to Primary Election Primary Election, preliminary election in which voters select a political party's candidates for public office. Primary election winners from each political party compete in a general election to determine who will hold the public office. Because each […]