Search results for: “inspection”

  • Antarctic Treaty

    The Antarctic Treaty (AT) Note: for information about the Antarctic Treaty system, please click here. In General By Vito De Lucia The Antarctic Treaty "shall apply to the area south of 60° South Latitude, including all ice shelves" (Art. VI), and its main objective is […]

  • Big Data Analytics

    The more the automation of machines is proceeding, the higher the legal challenges are rising too. In some sectors, the applicable legal system seems to stand up to these challenges while the need of amendment exists in other areas. If the legislator wants to take action, it has to take the main function of law…

  • Goods

    Flow of Goods and Services In this global economy, the flow of goods and services across borders, otherwise known as trade, is a critical factor to the health and growth of a country’s economy. Yet many developing countries struggle with legal, institutional, and operational constraints that […]

  • Goods

    Flow of Goods and Services In this global economy, the flow of goods and services across borders, otherwise known as trade, is a critical factor to the health and growth of a country’s economy. Yet many developing countries struggle with legal, institutional, and operational constraints that […]

  • Patent Systems

    Patent Systems Contents of Patent Systems Contents of this subject matter include:The American Patent System – types of applications, publication of applications, the nominated person, claiming priority, American interactions with PCT system The American Patent System – examination of […]

  • Central America Free Trade Agreements

    Dominican Republic-central America-united States Free Trade Agreement (“cafta-dr”) in 2013 (Continuation) United States views on international law [1] in relation to Dominican Republic-central America-united States Free Trade Agreement (“cafta-dr”): TRANSPARENCY AND […]

  • Seaworthiness

    Seaworthiness Some of the sources imposing this duty Civil law (art. 2008, 2015, 2022, and 2063 C.C.Q. (C.B. at p. 60) Common law Harter Act, 1893, 46 U.S. Code Appendix 190-196 Steel v. State Line (1877-78) 3 App. Cas. 72 …..(H.L.) (C.B. at p. 56) Canadian Pacific Forest Products v. Belships [1999] 4 F.C. 330,…

  • Seaworthiness

    Seaworthiness Some of the sources imposing this duty Civil law (art. 2008, 2015, 2022, and 2063 C.C.Q. (C.B. at p. 60) Common law Harter Act, 1893, 46 U.S. Code Appendix 190-196 Steel v. State Line (1877-78) 3 App. Cas. 72 …..(H.L.) (C.B. at p. 56) Canadian Pacific Forest Products v. Belships [1999] 4 F.C. 330,…

  • Questions for the Record

    Questions For the Record in 2011 United States views on international law (based on the document "Digest of U.S. Practice in International Law"): These treaty obligations are directly binding on state and local governments, as well as the federal government, by virtue of the […]

  • Questions for the Record

    Questions For the Record in 2011 United States views on international law (based on the document "Digest of U.S. Practice in International Law"): These treaty obligations are directly binding on state and local governments, as well as the federal government, by virtue of the […]

  • Treaty on Open Skies

      Article I GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. This Treaty establishes the regime, to be known as the Open Skies regime, for the conduct of observation flights by States Parties over the territories of other States Parties, and sets forth the rights and obligations of the States Parties relating […]

  • Treaty on Open Skies

      Article I GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. This Treaty establishes the regime, to be known as the Open Skies regime, for the conduct of observation flights by States Parties over the territories of other States Parties, and sets forth the rights and obligations of the States Parties relating […]

  • New Start Treaty

    New Start Treaty in 2011 United States views on international law (based on the document "Digest of U.S. Practice in International Law"): On February 5, 2011, the Treaty between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Measures for the Further Reduction and […]

  • New Start Treaty

    New Start Treaty in 2011 United States views on international law (based on the document "Digest of U.S. Practice in International Law"): On February 5, 2011, the Treaty between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Measures for the Further Reduction and […]

  • Products Liability

    Kinds of Torts: Other Torts Products Liability Introduction to Products Liability Under the tort of products liability, when a product causes injury due to a fault in design or manufacture, or a failure to warn or instruct about a danger, the manufacturer (or any other commercial party […]