Search results for: “inspection”

  • Products Liability

    Kinds of Torts: Other Torts Products Liability Introduction to Products Liability Under the tort of products liability, when a product causes injury due to a fault in design or manufacture, or a failure to warn or instruct about a danger, the manufacturer (or any other commercial party […]

  • Sanctions Against Iran

    Definition of International Sanctions (International) sanctions are “policies of an economic nature adopted by one government to induce policy changes by another government,” including “boycotts, embargos, subsidies, imposition of tariffs, quotas, or other import and export controls, denial […]

  • Sanctions Against Iran

    Definition of International Sanctions (International) sanctions are “policies of an economic nature adopted by one government to induce policy changes by another government,” including “boycotts, embargos, subsidies, imposition of tariffs, quotas, or other import and export controls, denial […]

  • Municipal Law

    Municipal Law Definition Municipal Law, term used to designate the body of law of an individual nation or subdivision thereof, as distinguished from international law. Municipal law includes both public law, the branch of law concerned with the relations between the state and the individual, […]

  • Notice to Produce

    Resources See Also Discovery Inspection of documents

  • Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant

    Nuclear Safety in the Aftermath of the Accident at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in 2011 United States views on international law (based on the document "Digest of U.S. Practice in International Law"): On March 11, 2011, an earthquake registering 9.0 on the Richter scale struck […]

  • Dictionary of Law consisting of Judicial Definitions and Explanations of Words, Phrases and Maxims

    Dictionary of Law consisting of Judicial Definitions and Explanations of Words, Phrases and Maxims Full Title A Dictionary of Law, Consisting of Judicial Definitions and Explanations of Words, Phrases and Maxims and an Exposition of the Principles of Law: Comprising a Dictionary and Compendium of American and English Jurisprudence Details Author: William C. Anderson (United…

  • Antarctic Treaty System

    Antarctic Treaty System The Antarctic Treaty System is the legal regime governing interstate relations with regards to Antarctica, and it is comprised of 4 main Agreements: The Antarctic Treaty (AT); The Conventions for the Conservation of Antarctic Seals (CCAS); The Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR); and The Protocol on Environmental Protection to the…

  • Antarctic Treaty System

    Antarctic Treaty System The Antarctic Treaty System is the legal regime governing interstate relations with regards to Antarctica, and it is comprised of 4 main Agreements: The Antarctic Treaty (AT); The Conventions for the Conservation of Antarctic Seals (CCAS); The Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR); and The Protocol on Environmental Protection to the…

  • Coastal Nations

    Coastal Nations UNCLOS III: Enforcement by Coastal Nations (Not Acting as Port Nations) Note: for information on United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea III (UNCLOS III), please see here. By Daniel Hollis. The powers of a coastal nations to enforce various anti-pollution measures varies depending on the location of both the suspected violation…

  • Coastal Nations

    Coastal Nations UNCLOS III: Enforcement by Coastal Nations (Not Acting as Port Nations) Note: for information on United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea III (UNCLOS III), please see here. By Daniel Hollis. The powers of a coastal nations to enforce various anti-pollution measures varies depending on the location of both the suspected violation…

  • Asset Forfeiture

    Asset Forfeiture International Efforts The Financial Action Task Force (FATF), formed by the G-7 Economic Summit in 1989, is dedicated to promoting anti-money laundering controls around the world. France, Germany and the United States are, among others, founding members who are major proponent of this effort. All members of the Financial Action Task Force have…

  • P5 Conference

    Fourth P5 Conference in 2013 United States views on international law [1] in relation to Fourth P5 Conference: In 2013, the permanent five members of the UN Security Council, or P5 (China, France, Great Britain, Russia, and the United States), continued to confer in preparation for the […]

  • P5 Conference

    Fourth P5 Conference in 2013 United States views on international law [1] in relation to Fourth P5 Conference: In 2013, the permanent five members of the UN Security Council, or P5 (China, France, Great Britain, Russia, and the United States), continued to confer in preparation for the […]

  • Law of Customs

    The International Law of Customs: Preshipment Inspection This section provides an overview of the international law of customs: preshipment inspection within the legal context of Market Access (Customs Regulation) in international economic law (Main Regulatory Areas).