Search results for: “built up area”

  • Security Council

    Introduction to Security Council United Nations Security Council, one of the six principal organs of the United Nations (UN). Under the United Nations Charter, the Security Council is primarily responsible for maintaining international peace and security. Under Chapter VII of the charter, the […]

  • Crime Prevention

    Crime Prevention Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) It is defined as a multi-disciplinary approach to deterring criminal behaviour through environmental design. CPTED strategies rely upon the ability to influence offender decisions that precede criminal acts by affecting the built, social and administrative environment. It is pronounced sep-ted and is known by various labels or…

  • Crime Prevention

    Crime Prevention Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) It is defined as a multi-disciplinary approach to deterring criminal behaviour through environmental design. CPTED strategies rely upon the ability to influence offender decisions that precede criminal acts by affecting the built, social and administrative environment. It is pronounced sep-ted and is known by various labels or…

  • Central American Court of Justice

    Central American Court of Justice (CACJ) This entry includes background information and links to the Agreement on the Statute of the Central American Court of Justice, the Ordinance of Procedures and Regulations, and resolutions of the court. Description Since the demise of the Spanish […]

  • Criminal Aspects of Immigration

    Criminal Aspects of Immigration Citizens in many countries have been concerned, in the history, with crime, and worry that they will be victimized by immigrants. The concern is based on the belief that foreign-born individuals are members of a criminal class who threaten community cohesion by committing a disproportionately large number of violent and property…

  • Criminal Aspects of Immigration

    Criminal Aspects of Immigration Citizens in many countries have been concerned, in the history, with crime, and worry that they will be victimized by immigrants. The concern is based on the belief that foreign-born individuals are members of a criminal class who threaten community cohesion by committing a disproportionately large number of violent and property…

  • Municipal Law

    Municipal Law Definition Municipal Law, term used to designate the body of law of an individual nation or subdivision thereof, as distinguished from international law. Municipal law includes both public law, the branch of law concerned with the relations between the state and the individual, […]

  • Civil Law System

    Overview Civil law may be defined as that legal tradition which has its origin in Roman law, as codified in the Corpus Juris Civilis of Justinian,[1] and as subsequently developed in Continental Europe and around the world. Civil law eventually divided into two streams: the codified Roman […]

  • International Criminal Court Issues

    International Criminal Court in 2013 United States views on international law [1] in relation to International Criminal Court: On April 10, 2013, Erin Pelton, Spokesperson for the U.S. Mission to the UN, issued a statement regarding a UN General Assembly Thematic Debate on the Role of […]

  • Online Dispute Resolution

    Introduction Ayelet Sela published an article entitled “Streamlining Justice: How Online Courts Can Resolve the Challenges of Pro Se Litigation” in the Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2016. This is an Abstract: “The tide of pro se litigation in the American justice […]

  • Online Dispute Resolution

    Introduction Ayelet Sela published an article entitled “Streamlining Justice: How Online Courts Can Resolve the Challenges of Pro Se Litigation” in the Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2016. This is an Abstract: “The tide of pro se litigation in the American justice […]

  • League of Nations

    The League of Nations was the ill-fated predecessor of the United Nations. Origins To Alexander of Russia's scheme of a Holy Alliance we need only briefly allude. Though admirable in intention it was rejected as "sublime nonsense and mysticism” by Castlereagh, and it eventually […]

  • League of Nations

    The League of Nations was the ill-fated predecessor of the United Nations. Origins To Alexander of Russia's scheme of a Holy Alliance we need only briefly allude. Though admirable in intention it was rejected as "sublime nonsense and mysticism” by Castlereagh, and it eventually […]

  • Repeat Offender

    Repeat Offenders Crime is carried out by ‘hot people’ (Repeat Offenders) There is now well established research evidence that a small proportion of offenders commit a high proportion of offenses. For example, UK-based research has shown that by their 40th birthday, seven per cent of males born in 1953 had four or more court appearances…

  • Repeat Offender

    Repeat Offenders Crime is carried out by ‘hot people’ (Repeat Offenders) There is now well established research evidence that a small proportion of offenders commit a high proportion of offenses. For example, UK-based research has shown that by their 40th birthday, seven per cent of males born in 1953 had four or more court appearances…