Search results for: “council on mutual economic assistance”

  • MPEPIL: Public Law: C

    MPEPIL: Encyclopedia of Public Law: C   Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (MPEPIL): Articles listed alphabetically View a list of articles beginning with this letter: 1. Cabotage, Giemulla, Elmar M 2. Calvo Doctrine/Calvo Clause, Juillard, Patrick 3. Cambodia Conflicts (Kampuchea), Keller, Lucy 4. Camp David Accords (1978), Quigley, John B 5. Canals, Arcari,…

  • MPEPIL: International co-operation

    MPEPIL: International co-operation   Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (MPEPIL) list of articles of this subject. List of articles pertaining to this subject: International co-operation: 1. Abduction, Transboundary, Wilske, Stephan 2. Admiralty Law, de la Motte, Thomas 3. Agenda 21, Shelton, Dinah 4. Agenda for Development, Schrijver, Nico J 5. Aliens, Expulsion and…

  • Agreement Concerning Co-operation in the Quarantine of Plants and their Protection Against Pests an Diseases

    Agreement Concerning Co-operation in the Quarantine of Plants and their Protection Against Pests an Diseases   Article I The Contracting Parties shall take such measures as may be necessary for the control of the plant pests and diseases and weeds specified in the list annexed to the Agreement. The said list may be modified by…

  • Charter of the United Nations 4

    Charter of the United Nations   CHAPTER VI PACIFIC Settlement of Disputes Article 33 1. The parties to any dispute, the continuance of which is likely to endanger the maintenance of international peace and security, shall, first of all, seek a solution by negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or…

  • European Convention for the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage of Europe 2

    European Convention for the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage of Europe   Article 10 Each Party undertakes: i to arrange for the relevant public authorities and for scientific institutions to pool information on any illicit excavations identified; ii to inform the competent authorities in the State of origin which is a Party to this Convention…

  • Convention for the Protection of the Architectural Heritage of Europe 2

    Convention for the Protection of the Architectural Heritage of Europe   Article 15 Each Party undertakes: 1. to develop public awareness of the value of convening the architectural heritage, both as an element of cultural identity and as a source of inspiration and creativity for present and future generations; 2. to this end, to promote…

  • International law index

    International law index Here is the list of almost 2.000 items of the international law index of the Wiki Encyclopedia of Law. AAPL v Sri Lanka Case Abduction, Transboundary Aboriginal Title Abu Dhabi Oil Arbitration Abuse of Rights Access to Justice in Environmental Matters Accessions to the WTO Accountability Accretion Achille Lauro Affair (1985) Acquiescence…

  • International law: Culture protection

    International law: Culture protection Table of Contents: Introduction Background Resources Other Resource Guides Background Websites Major Treatises Symposia Bibliographies Journals Dedicates to Cultural Property Law and Art Law Journal Indexes News Sources Legal Instruments International Legal Conventions European Legal Documents Regional Treaties Bilateral/Multilateral Treaties National Legal Documents Efforts to Protect Cultural Property International/Regional Conferences/Organizations/Agencies Responses…

  • Multilateral treaties: Organization of American States

    Multilateral Treaties : Organization of American States Recommended guidelines for preparing and adopting inter-american legal instruments Scope 1. The sole purpose of the following recommendations is to guide and facilitate the preparation of inter-American legal instruments where a procedure has not already been expressly provided for or the states have not agreed on the corresponding…

  • UN Pacific settlement of disputes

    UN Pacific Settlement of Disputes See: Charter of the United Nations UN: Purposes, principles and membership United Nations organs UN Pacific Settlement of Disputes UN: International cooperation and the ESC UN International Court of Justice United Nations Secretariat Other provisions Charter: CHAPTER VI PACIFIC SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES 10 Article 33 1. The parties to any…

  • European Landscape Convention

    European Landscape Convention The purpose of the Convention is to provide an instrument devoted to the protection, management and planning of all landscapes, urban, rural and peri-urban in Europe. The Convention was opened for signature in Florence on 20 October 2000. The ratification process requires the Convention must be first signed and then ratified on…

  • Top 25.000 English words

    Which are the top 25.000 most popular English words? According to a review from Lawi, these are the 25.000 most popular English words, in order: you the i to a and it of that in is me what this for my on your we have do no don’t are be i’m not was he it’s…

  • United Nations Convention Against Corruption

    Treaties : United Nations Convention Against Corruption On 14 December 2005 the United Nations Convention Against Corruption entered into force. The Convention seeks to prevent and combat corrupt practices of public officials, and, in some instances, the Convention also addresses corruption in the private sector. Adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in October 2003,…

  • War and Peace legal resources

    War and Peace legal resources Chemical And Biological Warfare Chemical Weapons Convention (OPCW) Negotiations, Text, PTS, OPCW Chemical and Biological Weapons Materials (Harvard/Sussex) Includes Geneva Protocol, Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, Chemical Weapons Convention, Pugwash Study Group, other materials Effective Implementation of the CWC (SIPRI) Signatories; Ratifications; Background Papers; Conference Proceedings; Papers and Fact Sheets;…