MPEPIL: Settlement of disputes

MPEPIL: Settlement of Disputes


Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (MPEPIL) list of articles of this subject.

List of articles pertaining to this subject:
Settlement of Disputes :

1. Administrative Boards, Commissions, and Tribunals in International Organizations , Riddell, Anna
2. Air Transport Disputes, Arbitrations on, van Dam, Roderick D
3. Arbitral Commission on Property, Rights and Interests in Germany, Bank, Roland
4. Arbitration, Brower, Charles H
5. Arbitration and Conciliation Treaties , Butler, Nicholas
6. Badinter Commission (for the Former Yugoslavia), Fitzmaurice, Malgosia
7. Beagle Channel Dispute, de La Fayette, Louise Angélique
8. Bryan Treaties (1913-14), Schlochauer, Hans-Jürgen
9. Claims, International, Orrego Vicuña, Francisco
10. Clean Hands, Principle, Schwebel, Stephen M
11. Compromis, Thirlway, Hugh
12. Conciliation, Cot, Jean-Pierre
13. Conciliation Commissions Established pursuant to Art. 83 Peace Treaty with Italy (1947), d’Argent, Pierre
14. Conflict Prevention, Moolakkattu, John S
15. Environmental Compliance Control, Fitzmaurice, Malgosia
16. Environmental Dispute Settlement, Boyle, Alan
17. Eritrea-Ethiopia Claims Commission, Klein, Natalie
18. European Convention for the Peaceful Settlement of Disputes (1957), Caflisch, Lucius
19. Fact-Finding, Jachec-Neale, Agnieszka
20. Forum non conveniens, Brand, Ronald A
21. Gacaca Courts, Hankel, Gerd
22. Germany-United States Peace Treaty (1921), Goldstein, Erik
23. Good Offices, Lapidoth, Ruth
24. Interim (Provisional) Measures of Protection, Wolfrum, Rüdiger
25. International Court of Justice (ICJ), Rosenne, Shabtai
26. International Courts and Tribunals, Tomuschat, Christian
27. International Courts and Tribunals, Intervention in Proceedings, Zimmermann, Andreas
28. International Prize Court (IPC), Ronzitti, Natalino
29. International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Rao, Patibandla Chandrasekhara
30. Jay Treaty (1794), Ziegler, Katja S
31. Judicial Settlement of International Disputes, Pellet, Alain
32. Law of the Sea, Settlement of Disputes, Rao, Patibandla Chandrasekhara
33. Lockerbie Trial, Grant, John P
34. Mediation, Orrego Vicuña, Francisco
35. Mixed Claims Commissions, Dolzer, Rudolf
36. Mixed Commissions, Boisson de Chazournes, Laurence and Campanelli, Danio
37. Mixed Courts, Other (National Courts with International Participation), Winkelmann, Ingo
38. Negotiation, Hakapaa, Kari
39. Organization for Security and cooperation in Europe, Court of Conciliation and Arbitration, Steinberger, Helmut
40. Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes, Pellet, Alain
41. Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA), Ando, Nisuke
42. Permanent Court of International Justice (PCIJ), Rosenne, Shabtai
43. Property Commissions Established pursuant to Art. 15 Peace Treaty with Japan (1951), Ando, Nisuke
44. Recognition, Frowein, Jochen A
45. Red Crusader Incident (1961), Hinrichs Oyarce, Ximena
46. Res Judicata, Dodge, William S
47. Saavedra Lamas Treaty (1933), Caminos, Hugo
48. Taft Arbitration Treaties (1911), Noyes, John E
49. Uti possidetis Doctrine, Nesi, Giuseppe
50. Verification of Facts, Bothe, Michael
51. World Trade Organization, Dispute Settlement, Stoll, Peter-Tobias



See Also

References and Further Reading

About the Author/s and Reviewer/s

Author: international

Mentioned in these Entries

International Court of Justice, International Organizations, Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, Permanent Court of Arbitration, Settlement of Disputes, Treaties.



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