Unidroit Convention on Agency in the International Sale of Goods 2

Unidroit Convention on Agency in the International Sale of Goods


Article 13
(1) Where the agent acts on behalf of a principal within the scope of his authority, his acts shall bind only the agent and the third party if:

(a) the third party neither knew nor ought to have known that the agent was acting as an agent, or
(b) it follows from the circumstances of the case, for example by a reference to a contract of commission, that the agent undertakes to bind himself only.

(2) Nevertheless:
(a) where the agent, whether by reason of the third party’s failure of performance or for any other reason, fails to fulfil or is not in a position to fulfil his obligations to the principal, the principal may exercise against the third party the rights acquired on the principal’s behalf by the agent, subject to any defences which the third party may set up against the agent;
(b) where the agent fails to fulfil or is not in a position to fulfil his obligations to the third party, the third party may exercise against the principal the rights which the third party has against the agent, subject to any defences which the agent may set up against the third party and which the principal may set up against the agent.

(3) The rights under paragraph 2 may be exercised only if notice of intention to exercise them is given to the agent and the third party or principal, as the case may be. As soon as the third party or principal has received such notice, he may no longer free himself from his obligations by dealing with the agent.
(4) Where the agent fails to fulfil or is not in a position to fulfil his obligations to the third party because of the principal’s failure of performance, the agent shall communicate the name of the principal to the third party.

(5) Where the third party fails to fulfil his obligations under the contract to the agent, the agent shall communicate the name of the third party to the principal.

(6) The principal may not exercise against the third party the rights acquired on his behalf by the agent if it appears from the circumstances of the case that the third party, had he known the principal’s identity, would not have entered into the contract.

(7) An agent may, in accordance with the express or implied instructions of the principal, agree with the third party to derogate from or vary the effect of paragraph 2.

Article 14
(1) Where an agent acts without authority or acts outside the scope of his authority, his acts do not bind the principal and the third party to each other.

(2) Nevertheless, where the conduct of the principal causes the third party reasonably and in good faith to believe that the agent has authority to act on behalf of the principal and that the agent is acting within the scope of that authority, the principal may not invoke against the third party the lack of authority of the agent.

Article 15
(1) An act by an agent who acts without authority or who acts outside the scope of his authority may be ratified by the principal. On ratification the act produces the same effects as if it had initially been carried out with authority.

(2) Where, at the time of the agent’s act, the third party neither knew nor ought to have known of the lack of authority, he shall not be liable to the principal if, at any time before ratification, he gives notice of his refusal to become bound by a ratification. Where the principal ratifies but does not do so within a reasonable time, the third party may refuse to be bound by the ratification if he promptly notifies the principal.

(3) Where, however, the third party knew or ought to have known of the lack of authority of the agent, the third party may not refuse to become bound by a ratification before the expiration of any time agreed for ratification or, failing agreement, such reasonable time as the third party may specify.

(4) The third party may refuse to accept a partial ratification.

(5) Ratification shall take effect when notice of it reaches the third party or the ratification otherwise comes to his attention. Once effective, it may not be revoked.

(6) Ratification is effective notwithstanding that the act itself could not have been effectively carried out at the time of ratification.

(7) Where the act has been carried out on behalf of a corporation or other legal person before its creation, ratification is effective only if allowed by the law of the State governing its creation.

(8) Ratification is subject to no requirements as to form. It may be express or may be inferred from the conduct of the principal.

Article 16
(1) An agent who acts without authority or who acts outside the scope of his authority shall, failing ratification, be liable to pay the third party such compensation as will place the third party in the same position as he would have been in if the agent had acted with authority and within the scope of his authority.

(2) The agent shall not be liable, however, if the third party knew or ought to have known that the agent had no authority or was acting outside the scope of his authority.

Article 17
The authority of the agent is terminated:

(a) when this follows from any agreement between the principal and the agent;
(b) on completion of the transaction or transactions for which the authority was created;

(c) on revocation by the principal or renunciation by the agent, whether or not this is consistent with the terms of their agreement.

Article 18
The authority of the agent is also terminated when the applicable law so provides.

Article 19
The termination of the authority shall not affect the third party unless he knew or ought to have known of the termination or the facts which caused it.

Article 20
Notwithstanding the termination of his authority, the agent remains authorised to perform on behalf of the principal or his successors the acts which are necessary to prevent damage to their interests.




See Also

References and Further Reading

About the Author/s and Reviewer/s

Author: international

Mentioned in these Entries

Unidroit Convention on Agency in the International Sale of Goods.