Un Security Council Resolution 1977

Un Security Council Resolution 1977

Renewed Mandate For 1540 Committee: United Nations Security Council Resolution 1977 in 2011

United States views on international law (based on the document “Digest of U.S. Practice in International Law”): On April 20, 2011 the Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 1977, which extended the mandate of the 1540 Committee by ten years; formally established a Group of Experts to assist the Committee in carrying out its mandate; and provided for increased engagement with intergovernmental and international organizations. United Nations Doc. S/RES/1977. Strengthening Resolution 1540 had been a priority on the Obama Administration's nonproliferation agenda. See White House Statement on Resolution 1977, available at (internet link) whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2011/04/20/statement-passing-un-security-council-resolution-1977. Excerpts below from a State Department fact sheet on Resolution 1977, available at (internet link) state.gov/t/isn/rls/fs/161355.htm, describe the importance of the 1540 Committee and welcome its renewed and strengthened mandate. For further background on Resolution 1540, see this world legal encyclopedia in relation with the year 2004 at 1092-118; World Encyclopedia of Law 2006 at 1267; World Encyclopedia of Law 2008 at 1007-8; and World Encyclopedia of Law 2009 at 780-81. Ambassador Susan E. Rice, Permanent Representative to the UN, also released a statement welcoming passage of Resolution 1977, available at (internet link) usun.state.gov/briefing/statements/2011/161363.htm. The State Department issued a separate fact sheet on November 9, 2011, available at (internet link) state.gov/t/isn/rls/fs/177257.htm, on the U.S. voluntary contribution to the United Nations Trust Fund for Global and Regional Disarmament that was made in order to support the 1540 Committee.


Since the 2004 adoption of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 (UNSCR 1540), member states have been obligated to make and enforce effective measures against WMD proliferation. All States have three primary obligations.

1. Prohibit support to non-state actors seeking WMD. 2. Adopt and enforce effective laws prohibiting the spread of WMD to non-state actors. 3. Enforce effective measures to control WMD.

UNSCR 1540 established a Committee to promote the resolution's implementation. The Committee has become a part of the international framework to prevent proliferation of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons and their means of delivery. UNSCR 1540 works to strengthen cooperation among States and international organizations to help meet their obligations.

The Committee's new ten-year mandate extension will allow it to continue its work, aided now by a Group of Experts to assist it with more technical matters. UNSCR 1977 also encourages the Committee to form partnerships with regional and intergovernmental organizations to promote universal implementation of UNSCR 1540. UNSCR 1977 also recognizes the importance of voluntary contributions to resource the Committee's activities.

The United States strongly supports the Committee's work and warmly welcomed UNSCR 1977. The United States has recently donated $3 million to the United Nations to support the Committee to support implementation of UNSCR 1540.


See Also

  • Use Of Force
  • Arms Control
  • Disarmament
  • Nonproliferation






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