Search results for: “health-care/”

  • Nuclear Safety

    Nuclear Safety in 2013 United States views on international law [1] in relation to Nuclear Safety: In 2013, there was significant progress toward the establishment of a global nuclear liability regime allowing for compensation in the event of a nuclear accident, as called for by the […]

  • Natural Disaster

    Resources See Also International Environmental Law Environmental Law Violations Pollution Environmental Law Environmental Policy Disaster

  • Natural Disaster

    Resources See Also International Environmental Law Environmental Law Violations Pollution Environmental Law Environmental Policy Disaster

  • Drug Residue

    Hierarchical Display of Drug residue Social Questions > Health > Health policy > Organisation of health care > Pharmaceutical legislation Drug residue Concept of Drug residue See the dictionary definition of Drug residue. Characteristics of Drug residue [rtbs name=”xxx-xxx”] Resources […]

  • Animal Disease

    Hierarchical Display of Animal disease Agriculture, Forestry And Fisheries > Agricultural activity > Animal healthSocial Questions > Health > Nutrition > Foodstuffs legislationAgriculture, Forestry And Fisheries > Agricultural policy > Agricultural policy > Veterinary […]

  • Animal Disease

    Hierarchical Display of Animal disease Agriculture, Forestry And Fisheries > Agricultural activity > Animal healthSocial Questions > Health > Nutrition > Foodstuffs legislationAgriculture, Forestry And Fisheries > Agricultural policy > Agricultural policy > Veterinary […]

  • Reproductive Health

    Reproductive Health (in the Human Development Area) In this context, Reproductive Health means: WHO's definition of health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, reproductive health addresses the reproductive […]

  • Government Violence

    Hierarchical Display of Government violence European Union > European construction > EU relations > Public safetyEuropean Union > European construction > EU relations > Political system > DictatorshipEuropean Union > European construction > EU relations > Social problem > […]

  • Health Legislation

    Hierarchical Display of Health legislation Social Questions > Health > Health policy > Organisation of health care > Public healthProduction, Technology And Research > Technology and technical regulations > Technical regulations > Standardisation > StandardSocial Questions > Health > […]

  • Health Legislation

    Hierarchical Display of Health legislation Social Questions > Health > Health policy > Organisation of health care > Public healthProduction, Technology And Research > Technology and technical regulations > Technical regulations > Standardisation > StandardSocial Questions > Health > […]

  • Pharmacy

    Hierarchical Display of Pharmacy Social Questions > Health > Health policy > Organisation of health careScience > Natural and applied sciences > Life sciences > Pharmacology Concept of Pharmacy See the dictionary definition of Pharmacy. Characteristics of Pharmacy [rtbs name=”xxx-xxx”] […]

  • Pharmacy

    Hierarchical Display of Pharmacy Social Questions > Health > Health policy > Organisation of health careScience > Natural and applied sciences > Life sciences > Pharmacology Concept of Pharmacy See the dictionary definition of Pharmacy. Characteristics of Pharmacy [rtbs name=”xxx-xxx”] […]

  • Risk Management

    Summary of Risk Management The application of management techniques to identify, quantify, and respond to threats of loss or damage to a firm's assets. Such threats may arise from random events such as fire, explosion, theft, and acts of nature, or from the conscious efforts of external […]

  • Standard

    Doctrine, Standard From the book The Clergyman's Hand-book of Law, about Doctrine, Standard (1): To ascertain the tenets and doctrines of a church, resort must be had to history and to prior and contemporary standard writings of its members on theology.31 Resources Notes and References […]

  • Trade in Organs

    Hierarchical Display of Trade in organs Social Questions > Social affairs > Social life > Bio-ethicsSocial Questions > Family > Artificial reproductionSocial Questions > Health > Health policy > Organisation of health care > Blood transfusionScience > Natural and applied sciences > […]