Search results for: “health-care/”

  • Vaccination

    Resources See Also Disability Health

  • Organ Transplant

    Hierarchical Display of Organ transplant Social Questions > Health > Health policy > Organisation of health careSocial Questions > Social affairs > Social life > Bio-ethicsSocial Questions > Social affairs > Social life > Bio-ethics > Trade in organs Organ transplant Concept of Organ […]

  • Accident in the Home

    Hierarchical Display of Accident in the home Social Questions > Social affairs > Social problemSocial Questions > Health > Health policy > Organisation of health care > Accident preventionSocial Questions > Construction and town planning > Construction policy > Building safety Accident […]

  • First Aid

    Resources See Also Working Condition Working Time Occupational Health Work Environment Labor Law Legal Working Age

  • Public Hygiene

    Hierarchical Display of Public hygiene Social Questions > Health > Health policy > Organisation of health care > Public healthSocial Questions > Health > Health policy > Medical science > Epidemiology Public hygiene Concept of Public hygiene See the dictionary definition of Public hygiene. […]

  • Psychiatric Confinement

    Hierarchical Display of Psychiatric confinement Social Questions > Health > Health policy > Organisation of health care > HospitalisationSocial Questions > Health > Health policy > Illness > Mental illnessSocial Questions > Health > Health policy > Public safety > Government violence […]

  • Plant Health Legislation

    Hierarchical Display of Plant health legislation Agriculture, Forestry And Fisheries > Agricultural policy > Agricultural policySocial Questions > Health > Nutrition > Foodstuffs legislationAgriculture, Forestry And Fisheries > Cultivation of agricultural land > Cultivation techniques […]

  • Long Term Care

    Resources See Also Social Protection Social Security Employment Affairs Welfare State Aged Elder care

  • Long Term Care

    Resources See Also Social Protection Social Security Employment Affairs Welfare State Aged Elder care

  • Nomenclature

    Nomenclature and International Trade Resources See Also customs classification

  • Nomenclature

    Nomenclature and International Trade Resources See Also customs classification

  • Medical Law

    Medical Law…

  • Health Education

    Resources See Also Legal Education Education Education Law Higher Education Vocational Training Training

  • Health Education

    Resources See Also Legal Education Education Education Law Higher Education Vocational Training Training

  • Medical Science

    Hierarchical Display of Medical science Social Questions > HealthScience > Natural and applied sciences > Life sciences Medical science Concept of Medical science See the dictionary definition of Medical science. Characteristics of Medical science [rtbs name=”xxx-xxx”] Resources […]