Search results for: “real estate law”

  • Real Covenant

    Note: this term is used mainly in the United States, but may be used in other jurisdictions Real Estate meaning of Real CovenantIn the words of the Encyclopedia of Real Estate Terms about Real Covenant: A covenant that is so related to an estate in land that the benefit passes to a purchaser […]

  • Common Law Systems

    Common Law Systems Common law systems can be found in many nations that were former colonies or territories of England. The common law originated with the unification of England and the institutional stability provided by William the Conqueror (c. 1027-1087) after 1066. In 1215 King John (1167-1216) elevated the importance of the common law at…

  • Tax Law Careers

    Other Popular Tax Definitions in the World Legal Encyclopedia Adjusted Gross Income (sometimes, including Tax Law Careers) <a href="" target="_blank&q…

  • Tax Law Jobs

    Other Popular Tax Definitions in the World Legal Encyclopedia Adjusted Gross Income (sometimes, including Tax Law Jobs) <a href="" target="_blank&quot…

  • Income Tax Law

    Other Popular Tax Definitions in the World Legal Encyclopedia Adjusted Gross Income (sometimes, including Income Tax Law) <a href="" target="_blank&qu…

  • Real Estate Investment Trust

    Other Popular Tax Definitions in the World Legal Encyclopedia Adjusted Gross Income (sometimes, including Real Estate Investment Trust) <a href="" target=&…

  • Estate Derivation

    Introduction to Estate DerivationThe term estate, in the sense of interest that a person has in property, applies especially but not exclusively to realty. Much of the law of realty in the United Kingdom and the United States stems from the feudal institutions developed in England after the…

  • Estate Types

    Introduction to Estate TypesEstates are classified into two types: freehold and nonfreehold. The freehold estates found in modern property law are the fee simple and the life fee. The fee simple estate is essentially absolute ownership of land, including the power to devise by will or to se…

  • Gale Encyclopedia of Everyday Law

    Gale Encyclopedia of Everyday Law Bibliographic Details Title: Gale Encyclopedia of Everyday Law ISBN: 9781414498966 Author: Batten, Donna (edt) Publisher: Gale Cengage Author: Wilson, Jeffrey Subject: Law-Legal Guides and Reference, Reference Copyright: 2013 Series Volume: 2 Volume Set Publication Date: 2013-05-31 Language: English Introduction The Gale Encyclopedia of Everyday Law is a two-volume encyclopedia of…

  • List of Law Journals and Reviews

    List of Law Journals,Law Reviews and other Academic Journals List of Law Journals and Law Reviews by Topic Administrative Law Read more in the Law Journals and Law Reviews Portal about Administrative Law American University Administrative Law Review National Association of Administrative Law Judges Journal Yale Journal on Regulation ADR and Arbitration Read more in…

  • International Trade Law Scope

    Legal IssuesBurnett's The Law of International Business Transactions (The Federation Press, Sydney, 1994) covers the areas of sale of goods, carriage of goods, financing of international transactions, GATT, export and import control, and international services trade. Day's The Law o…

  • State law

    State law The power of state law has historically included governing the following kinds of issues and claims: Contracts, including sales, commercial paper, letters of credit, and secured transactions Torts Property, including real property, bailments of personal property (such as […]

  • Code Law Systems

    Code Law Systems The term “code-law systems” is usually employed, as a legal term of art, with two different, if related, meanings. First, “code” refers to the reduction of the laws customarily observed by a particular people to a more or less permanent, organized, and written form through a comprehensive piece of legislation or codification.…

  • Public versus Private Law

    Public versus Private Law Public law affects and protects society, while private law affects and protects people. Public Law Public law is a branch of law which determines and regulates the organization and functioning of states (countries). Public law regulates the relationship between the government and its citizens. Constitutional law is one type of public…

  • Law Categories

    Law Categories Law made and enforced within a nation’s borders is known as domestic law. One category of domestic law is substantive law. Substantive law is the content of the law. It defines the rights, duties, and obligations of citizens and levels of governments. Examples include the right to own and protect property, to enter…