Search results for: “political opposition”

  • Education

    "The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn." — Alvin Toffler See Education links History of Education In the following treatment of this subject, the theory and early history of education is […]

  • Arbitration

    Arbitration, reference of a dispute to an impartial person or persons, called arbitrators, for a decision or award based on evidence and arguments presented by the disputants. The parties involved usually agree to resort to arbitration in lieu of court proceedings to resolve an existing […]

  • International Cooperation

    Resources See Also Further Reading Information related to international cooperation in the Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Law(MPEPIL), Germany, United Kingdom

  • International Court

    Opposition to a Real International Court Lassa Oppenheim, in the book entitled The Future of International Law, about Opposition to a Real International Court, wrote in 1921: 59. But, incredible as it may sound, this is not generally recognized. It is just among the old champions of the […]

  • International Court

    Opposition to a Real International Court Lassa Oppenheim, in the book entitled The Future of International Law, about Opposition to a Real International Court, wrote in 1921: 59. But, incredible as it may sound, this is not generally recognized. It is just among the old champions of the […]

  • European Movement

    Hierarchical Display of European Movement European Union > European construction > Deepening of the European Union > European integrationPolitics > Politics and public safety > Trends of opinionPolitics > Politics and public safety > Public opinion > Public awareness […]

  • German Concentration Camp System

    German Concentration Camp System German authorities under National Socialism established a variety of detention facilities to confine those whom they defined as political, ideological, or racial opponents of the regime. In time their extensive camp system came to include concentration camps, where persons were incarcerated without observation of the standard norms applying to arrest and…


    SEXISM Millions of believers gather regularly in churches, synagogues, and other “holy” places to worship a higher power, learn the doctrines and principles of their faith, socialize with other followers, and celebrate a particular form of “family life.” Commensurate with the faith messages are admonitions concerning the rights and responsibilities of men, women, and children…

  • Hashish

    Hashish or Indian hemp Note: see the entry on Legality of cannabis Hashish: THE GENEVA CONFERENCES In 1923 the South African Government sent to the League of Nations the suggestion that hashish should be treated as a habit-forming narcotic drug and brought within the scope of The Hague Convention. The Advisory Committee considered the matter…

  • Authors of Legal Dictionaries

    Authors of Law Dictionaries Albericus de Rosate, 1290-1360: Albericus’s Dictionarium Area: (Roman/Canon Law, 1581) Albericus was “born in Rosciate, near Bergamo, around 1290. He studied in Padua under Oldradus da Ponte and Riccardus Malumbra. He studied also under Ranieri di Forlì and received advice and help from Bartolo da Sassoferrato. In the second decade of…

  • Human Rights During the Arab Spring

    Promotion of Human Rights During the Arab Spring in 2011 United States views on international law (based on the document "Digest of U.S. Practice in International Law"): See discussion in sections A.3.d. and A.3.e. supra regarding actions taken to respond to the human rights crises […]

  • Human Rights During the Arab Spring

    Promotion of Human Rights During the Arab Spring in 2011 United States views on international law (based on the document "Digest of U.S. Practice in International Law"): See discussion in sections A.3.d. and A.3.e. supra regarding actions taken to respond to the human rights crises […]

  • Electoral Systems

    Election: Electoral Systems Introduction to Electoral Systems The manner in which governments organize elections and determine winners also affects participation rates. Majority systems require that a victorious candidate receive more than 50 percent of the vote. Under a plurality system, […]

  • Magna Carta

    Legal Materials Pictures and translations of the Magna Carta are posted on the Internet by the National Archives and Records Administration and the British Library. You'll find a print copy in the American Jurisprudence 2d Deskbook. Abstract The Magna Carta (literally, the […]

  • International Criminal Justice

    International Criminal Justice U.S. Perspectives on International Criminal Justice By John B. Bellinger, III, Legal Adviser to the Secretary of State (2008): I’d like to discuss the United States’ approach to international criminal justice generally, and in particular, our views on the various international criminal tribunals. Let me start by making a few points about…