Search results for: “free trade agreement”

  • Free of Particular Average

    A clause in a basic marine cargo insurance policy restricting settlements in the case of partial losses attributable to perils of the sea or incidents where the vessel has been sunk, burned, or stranded during the course of the voyage. An F.P.A. policy provides the most limited coverage. The […]

  • Strategic Trade Policy

    Strategic Trade Policy and International Trade Economy In relation to international trade economy, Christopher Mark (1993) provided the following definition of Strategic Trade Policy: A broad term for approaches joining conventional trade theory with industrial organization theory, in order to […]

  • Framework Agreements

    Framework Agreements and the GATT Policy Negotiations In relation to the GATT Policy Negotiations, Christopher Mark (1993) provided the following explanation and/or definition of Framework Agreement (2): Also known as a Trade and Investment Framework Agreement, or TIFA. A bilateral agreement […]

  • Freedom of the Seas in the 20th Century

    Freedom of the Seas 20TH-Century DevelopmentsIntroduction to Freedom of the Seas in the 20th CenturyDuring World War I, the use of submarines and aircraft demonstrated the inadequacy of international law with respect to freedom of the seas. Virtually all laws and treaties relating …

  • Freer Trade

    History of Commercial Treaties: Freer TradeHopeful omens, however, began to appear. In 1934 the United States passed the Reciprocal Trade Agreement, by which the president was empowered to lower import duties on a country's goods if that country reciprocated. The United States thereby m…

  • Trade Agreements Act Of 1979

    An act of Congress implementing certain agreements negotiated under the Tokyo Round (read this and related legal terms for further details). The act replaced the Countervailing Duty Law and Antidumping Act of 1921 and ab…

  • Trade Agreements Act Of 1979

    An act of Congress implementing certain agreements negotiated under the Tokyo Round (read this and related legal terms for further details). The act replaced the Countervailing Duty Law and Antidumping Act of 1921 and ab…

  • Freely Offered

    Goods offered in the normal course of trade to all buying on essentially the same basis, e.g., with like prices, terms, discounts, et cetera. Under prior valuation schemes, the value at which the goods were "freely offered" served as the basis for the assessment of customs duties; this con…

  • Automotive Products Trade Act

    An act of Congress (of 1965) that implemented the U. S.-Canadian Auto Agreement, creating a free trade area permitting duty-free movement between the two countries for automobiles and parts used as original equipment. The agreement does not cover replacement parts….

  • Aircraft Agreement

    A product of the Tokyo Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations, the Aircraft Agreement (known officially as the Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft) provides that sales of civil aircraft will be free of duty, effective January 1, 1980. The agreement also provides duty-free treatment for flight sim…

  • History of Foreign Trade until the 20th Century

    History of Foreign Trade until the 20th Century Although foreign trade was an important part of ancient and medieval economies, it acquired new significance after about 1500. As empires and colonies were established by European countries, trade became an arm of governmental policy. Emergence of Modern Foreign Trade Although foreign trade was an important part…

  • International trade law Part 26

    International Trade law Part 26   267 International environmental law attempts to be “mutually supportive” with International trade law : A compatibility analysis of the Cartagena proLaw Journal / Law Reviewol to the Convention on Biological Diversity with the world trade organisation agreement on the application of sanitary and phytosanitary measures Cameron Hutchison Journal of…

  • International trade law Part 24

    International Trade law Part 24   249 The ABCs and NTBs of GMOs: The Great European Union-United States Trade Debate-Do European Restrictions on the Trade of Genetically Modified Organisms Violate International trade law ? Sarah Lively Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business Volume 23, Number 1, Fall 2002 p.239 LAW JOURNAL / LAW REVIEW…

  • International trade law Part 24

    International Trade law Part 24   249 The ABCs and NTBs of GMOs: The Great European Union-United States Trade Debate-Do European Restrictions on the Trade of Genetically Modified Organisms Violate International trade law ? Sarah Lively Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business Volume 23, Number 1, Fall 2002 p.239 LAW JOURNAL / LAW REVIEW…

  • International trade law Part 21

    International Trade law Part 21   229 THE BYRD AMENDMENT BATTLE: AMERICAN TRADE POLITICS AT THE WTO Claire Hervey Hastings International and Comparative Law Review Volume 27, Number 1, Fall 2003 p.131 LAW JOURNAL / LAW REVIEW The Byrd Amendment has been controversial in both domestic U.S. politics and in International trade law since its…