Search results for: “wool”

  • League of Nations History

    League of Nations History The founding of the League of Nations in 1919 marked a radical departure from previous methods of diplomacy. Prior to August 1914, traditional diplomacy, or, as it was often called after the First World War, “Old Diplomacy,” was a system of intercourse between the governments of sovereign states. This system relied…

  • Worker Safety

    Worker Safety History Friedrich Engels, in his classic book “The Condition of the Working Class in England” argued the following: [1] “When one individual inflicts bodily injury upon another, such injury that death results, we call that deed manslaughter; when the assailant knew in advance that the injury would be fatal, we call this deed…

  • Agricultural Products

    Agricultural products and the Treaties of the European Union Description of Agricultural products provided by the European Union Commission: In the WTO agriculture negotiations, the product coverage is defined in Annex 1 of the Agreement. The definition covers not only basic agricultural […]

  • Gaming Online

    Overview of Gaming Online in relation to cyber crime: [1]At about the same time, in 1975, the prototypical role-playing fantasy and miniatures game Dungeons and Dragons, created by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, was released initially as a tabletop fantasy role-playing game. Fantasy gaming […]

  • Gaming Online

    Overview of Gaming Online in relation to cyber crime: [1]At about the same time, in 1975, the prototypical role-playing fantasy and miniatures game Dungeons and Dragons, created by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, was released initially as a tabletop fantasy role-playing game. Fantasy gaming […]

  • Costume

    Costume Costume (through the Fr. costume, from Ital. costume, Late Lat. costuma, a contracted form of Lat. consuetudinem, acc. of consuetudo, custom, habit, manner, &c.), dress or clothing, especially the distinctive clothing worn at different periods by different peoples or different classes of people. Historical Legal Issues Ancient Costume The law forbade the creditor to…

  • Textiles

    Textiles and International Trade Economy In relation to international trade economy, Christopher Mark (1993) provided the following definition of Textiles: Historically, one of t e most politically sensitive and contentious sectors of international trade. As define in the Multifiber […]

  • International Commodity Organization

    An organization of the producing nations of a particular commodity. The principal motive for the organization is to foster price collaboration among the producers; the organization may establish buffer stocks to prevent wide swings in the market price of the commodity. The principal […]

  • Confidential

    Confidential, Tribunal, Malice From the book The Clergyman's Hand-book of Law, about Confidential, Tribunal, Malice (1): The rule is that all confidential statements made to an officer or a tribunal of the church concerning a member in the course of church discipline and for the good of […]

  • Usufruit

    Note: this term is used mainly in France, but may be used in other jurisdictions Real Estate meaning of UsufruitIn the words of the Encyclopedia of Real Estate Terms about Usufruit: usufruct. usufruct; usufructuary right. A right to the use and enjoyment of the fruits or profits of […]

  • Cyclopaedia of Political Science, Political Economy and the Political History of the United States

    Cyclopaedia of Political Science, Political Economy and the Political History of the United States Cyclopaedia of Political Science, Political Economy and the Political History of the United States. By the Best American and European Writers Subjects of the Cyclopaedia of Political Science, Political Economy and the Political History of the United States. By the Best…

  • National Constitutions

    National Constitutions…

  • List of Construction Case Law

    Hello List of Construction Case Law Mainly English and Scottish Caselaw A & D Maintenance and Construction Ltd v. Pagehurst Construction Services Ltd (1999) 16 Const LJ 199 Abbott and Another v. Will Gannon & Smith Ltd (2005) 103 Con LR 92 (CA) Adam Opel GmbH (1) Renault SA (2) v. Mitras Automotive (UK) Ltd…

  • Farrer Herschell

    Farrer Herschell Farrer Herschell, 1st Baron (1837-1899), lord chancellor of England, was born on the 2nd of November 1837. His father was the Rev. Ridley Haim Herschell, a native of Strzelno, in Prussian Poland, who, when a young man, exchanged the Jewish faith for Christianity, took a leading part in founding the British Society for…

  • List of Authors to the Encyclopedia of the American Constitution

    List of Authors to the Encyclopedia of the American Constitution Main Entries: List of Entries and Authors of the Encyclopedia of the American Constitution Encyclopedia of the American Constitution Listing of entries to the Encyclopedia by Author: Benjamin Aaron Professor of Law, Emeritus University of California, Los Angeles LABOR AND THE ANTITRUST LAWS Henry J.…