Search results for: “development international law part 2”

  • Roman Law

    Introduction to Roman Law Roman Law, in general usage, legal system developed by the Romans from the time of their first codification of law, known as the Law of the Twelve Tables (see Twelve Tables, Law of the), in 450 bc to the death of Justinian I, ruler of the Byzantine Empire, in ad […]

  • Private International Law

    Branches of Private International Law Intellectual Property International commercial arbitration International Commercial Law International Contracts International Family Law International Law of Procedure See also: Hague Conference on Private […]

  • International Trade Law

    Outline Following an introductory overview of the principles and structure of international trade law, this entry concentrates on the substantive obligations in the agreements that form part of the World Trade Organization Agreement, including tariff and customs?related matters, […]

  • International Criminal Court

    Introduction to International Criminal Court International Criminal Court (ICC), independent judicial institution with the power to try and punish individuals for the most serious crimes of international concern: genocide, crimes against humanity, crimes of aggression, and war crimes. The […]

  • International Criminal Court

    Introduction to International Criminal Court International Criminal Court (ICC), independent judicial institution with the power to try and punish individuals for the most serious crimes of international concern: genocide, crimes against humanity, crimes of aggression, and war crimes. The […]

  • Commercial law

    Commercial law Introduction to Commercial Law Commercial Law, body of law that relates to commerce and business transactions. Commercial law includes the laws that pertain to sales; negotiable instruments, such as checks and promissory notes; carriage by land and sea; insurance; brokerage; […]

  • Commercial law

    Commercial law Introduction to Commercial Law Commercial Law, body of law that relates to commerce and business transactions. Commercial law includes the laws that pertain to sales; negotiable instruments, such as checks and promissory notes; carriage by land and sea; insurance; brokerage; […]

  • Comparative Law

    Comparative law may be defined as the study of the similarities and differences between the laws or legal rules of two or more countries, or between two or more legal systems (i.e. the study of legal systems and laws in different countries). It is not a body of rules and principle. It is a […]

  • International Criminal Law

    International Criminal Law International Criminal Law Authority Main source: Duff, Antony, "Theories of Criminal Law", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2008 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = . We have focused so […]

  • International Criminal Law

    International Criminal Law International Criminal Law Authority Main source: Duff, Antony, "Theories of Criminal Law", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2008 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = . We have focused so […]

  • International Cooperation

    Resources See Also Further Reading Information related to international cooperation in the Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Law(MPEPIL), Germany, United Kingdom

  • Environmental Law

    The Legal History of Environmental Law This section provides an overview of Environmental Law Contents of Environmental Law Contents of this subject matter include: The Nature of Environmental Law What is environmental law? Growth of environmental law The social and legal context […]

  • Environmental Law

    The Legal History of Environmental Law This section provides an overview of Environmental Law Contents of Environmental Law Contents of this subject matter include: The Nature of Environmental Law What is environmental law? Growth of environmental law The social and legal context […]

  • International Court Of Justice

    Introduction to International Court of Justice International Court of Justice, also known as World Court, principal judicial organ of the United Nations (UN). It was created in 1945 under the UN Charter as the successor to the Permanent Court of International Justice under the League of […]

  • Inter-American Development Bank

    Summary of Inter-American Development Bank A multinational development bank established in 1959 to promote economic and social development in Latin American member countries. The bank is owned by its forty-three member countries, of which twenty-seven are regional, i.e., Western Hemisphere […]