Search results for: “nontariff barriers”

  • Electoral Systems

    Election: Electoral Systems Introduction to Electoral Systems The manner in which governments organize elections and determine winners also affects participation rates. Majority systems require that a victorious candidate receive more than 50 percent of the vote. Under a plurality system, […]

  • Transborder Data Flow

    Summary of Transborder Data Flow The movement of information across international boundaries. Laws restricting the movement of data across borders have been enacted in some countries and contemplated in others, ostensibly to protect individual privacy. Restrictions on the movement of […]

  • Mano River Union

    Mano River Union Outline The MRU is a customs union, established in 1977. There are three members: Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea. Its purpose is to provide preferential tariffs among the members….

  • Unfair Trade Practices

    Unfair Trade Practices and the Laws of International Trade Executive review of unfair trade practices: Background Unfair Trade and Import Competition Regulation Procedure: Initiation of investigation The investigation Monitoring Recent developments The escape clause: […]

  • Unfair Trade Practices

    Unfair Trade Practices and the Laws of International Trade Executive review of unfair trade practices: Background Unfair Trade and Import Competition Regulation Procedure: Initiation of investigation The investigation Monitoring Recent developments The escape clause: […]

  • Multilateral Trade Negotiations

    Negotiations among many nations acting in concert for the purpose of reducing trade barriers. Since the inception of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (read about the GATT for further details). in 1947, the mos…

  • Multilateral Trade Negotiations

    Negotiations among many nations acting in concert for the purpose of reducing trade barriers. Since the inception of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (read about the GATT for further details). in 1947, the mos…

  • International Trade Commission

    For more details on United States International Trade Commission, click here….

  • Tokyo Declaration

    The pronouncement of a 1973 gathering in Tokyo of foreign, finance, and trade ministers of the major industrial nations, meeting to discuss economic and trade problems. The joint communique issued by the ministers called for increased trade through the elimination of tariff and nontariff […]

  • West African Economic Community

    West African Economic Community Outline Also called "Communauté Economique de l'Afrique Occidentale". The CEAO was established in 1973. It consists of a number of West African countries, such as the Ivory Coast, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal and Upper Volta. A Communi…

  • Market Access Negotiations

    Market Access Negotiations and the GATT Policy Negotiations In relation to the GATT Policy Negotiations, Christopher Mark (1993) provided the following explanation and/or definition of Market Access Negotiations: In the context of the Uruguay Round as well as bilateral trade negotiations, […]

  • Prior Deposits

    Prior Deposits and the GATT Policy Negotiations In relation to the GATT Policy Negotiations, Christopher Mark (1993) provided the following explanation and/or definition of Prior Deposits: A requirement as a condition for importing that an importer deposit a specified sum of money –in […]

  • Preferential Trade Area for Eastern and Southern Africa

    Preferential Trade Area for Eastern and Southern Africa (PTA) in relation with International Trade In the context of trade organizations, Christopher Mark (1993) provided the following definition of Preferential Trade Area for Eastern and Southern Africa (PTA): A preferential arrangement and […]

  • Exchange Controls

    Exchange Controls and the GATT Policy Negotiations In relation to the GATT Policy Negotiations, Christopher Mark (1993) provided the following explanation and/or definition of Exchange Controls: The rationing of foreign currencies and other instruments for settling international financial […]

  • Multilateral Steel Agreement

    Multilateral Steel Agreement (MSA) and the GATT Policy Negotiations In relation to the GATT Policy Negotiations, Christopher Mark (1993) provided the following explanation and/or definition of Multilateral Steel Agreement (MSA): A proposed agreement that would phase out tariffs, eliminate […]