Category: Political Science

  • Student’s Guide to Elections

    Student’s Guide to Elections Editor: Bruce J. Schulman Since the 1980s, Dr. Bruce J. Schulman has been teaching and writing about the political face of the United States. He is Professor of History at Boston University. He has taken an active role in education. Other contributions from Bruce J. Schulman to the collection: Student’s Guide…

  • Student’s Guide to Congress

    Student’s Guide to Congress Editor: Bruce J. Schulman Since the 1980s, Dr. Bruce J. Schulman has been teaching and writing about the political face of the United States. He is Professor of History at Boston University. He has taken an active role in education. Other contributions from Bruce J. Schulman to the collection: Student’s Guide…

  • Cyclopaedia of Political Science, Political Economy and the Political History of the United States

    Cyclopaedia of Political Science, Political Economy and the Political History of the United States Cyclopaedia of Political Science, Political Economy and the Political History of the United States. By the Best American and European Writers Subjects of the Cyclopaedia of Political Science, Political Economy and the Political History of the United States. By the Best…

  • Act of Parliament

    Act of ParliamentAct of Parliament, in Britain, a change in the law originating in Parliament (see Parliament, British) and called a statute. Before an act receives the royal assent and becomes law, it is a bill. The equivalent in the United States is an act of Congress. An act of Parliamen…

  • Farrer Herschell

    Farrer Herschell Farrer Herschell, 1st Baron (1837-1899), lord chancellor of England, was born on the 2nd of November 1837. His father was the Rev. Ridley Haim Herschell, a native of Strzelno, in Prussian Poland, who, when a young man, exchanged the Jewish faith for Christianity, took a leading part in founding the British Society for…

  • Law and politics : a cross-cultural Encyclopedia

    Law and politics : a cross-cultural Encyclopedia Bibliographic Details Title: Law and politics : a cross-cultural encyclopedia Author: Daniel P. Strouthes. Publisher: Santa Barbara, Calif. : ABC-CLIO, c1995. LC Classification: K 487 .P65S77 1995X Pages: 301 p. : ill., maps ; 26 cm. ISBN: 0874367778 Note: Includes bibliographical references (p. 275-283) and index. Law and…

  • Single-Party

    Communism: Features of Comunist States Single-Party RuleIn communist states, the communist party held complete and unchallenged political power. All other political parties were banned, except for minor procommunist parties in several Eastern European countries. The name of the governing pa…

  • Protestant Censorship

    Early Church Censorship: Protestant CensorshipThe Protestant Reformation did not itself erect a change in the practice of censorship. Its leaders-among them John Calvin, John Knox, and Martin Luther-claimed liberty of conscience and toleration only for themselves and their followers. When i…

  • Roman Catholic Censorship

    Early Church Censorship: Roman Catholic CensorshipAfter the emperor Theodosius made Christianity the established religion of the empire, the Roman government and the church began to persecute both pagans and Christian heretics who deviated from orthodox doctrine or practice. The pope was re…

  • Marxist-Leninist States

    Communism: Features of Comunist States Marxist-Leninist IdeologyA root feature of communist states has been their subscription to the ideology of Marxism-Leninism. As fashioned by Lenin, building on the earlier works of Marx and Engels, it is the belief that history advances by means of cla…

  • Early Roman Censorship

    Censorship Early History Roman CensorshipIn Rome the general attitude was that only persons in authority, particularly members of the Senate, enjoyed the privilege of speaking freely. Public prosecution and punishment, supported by popular approval, occurred frequently. The Roman poets Ovid…

  • Freedom Restriction

    Communism: Features of Comunist States Restrictions on Individual FreedomAnother hallmark of communist states was the mandatory involvement of the mass of the population in political life. Most young people enrolled in party-controlled youth organizations, the entire labor force had to sign…

  • Conservatism Origins

    Conservatism OriginsConservatism received its classic formulation in the works of the British statesman Edmund Burke, notably his Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790), in which he rejected the principles of the French Revolution and presented a comprehensive philosophy of society …

  • Conservatism Trends

    Conservatism Current TrendsFor most of the 1980s, conservative parties held power in both the United Kingdom and West Germany (now part of the united Federal Republic of Germany). In France a Gaullist movement combining selective state controls, economic planning, and welfare measures with …

  • Early Church Censorship

    Censorship Church Censorship In ad313 the Roman emperor Constantine the Great decreed toleration of Christianity. Twenty years later, Constantine the Great set the pattern of religious censorship that was to be followed for centuries by ordering the burning of all books by the Greek theolog…