Category: Criminology

  • Disorder

    Persian Disorders: International Incident In the book "International Incidents for Discussion in Conversation Classes", in relation to terminox, L. Oppenheim wrote in 1909: The following telegrams, dated from Bushire, appeared in the papers on April 12th, 1909: "April 10th. […]

  • Deterrance

    Focused Deterrence Strategies Focused deterrence strategies attempt to influence the criminal behavior of individuals through the strategic application of enforcement and social service resources to facilitate desirable behaviors. The Boston Gun Project The Operation Ceasefire Further Reading Abt, T., & Winship, C. (2016). What works in reducing community violence. Washington, DC: United States Agency for…

  • Political Corruption

    Political Corruption Definition Passas [1] wrote that political corruption comprises “public officials acting in the best interest of private concerns, regardless of, or against, the public interest. Therefore, corruption can be defined as the covert privatization of government functions.” Kaufmann and Vicente (2011) make a similar case and contend that corruption need not be exclusive…

  • Disorderly Conduct

    Introduction to Disorderly ConductDisorderly Conduct, disturbance of the public peace and decency." (1)ResourcesNotes and ReferencesInformation about <a href="" title="Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia"…

  • Juvenile Justice

    The Legal History of Juvenile Justice in United States LawThis section provides an overview of Juvenile Justice in United States Law ResourcesSee AlsoLegal Biography Legal Traditions Historical Laws History of Law Further Reading Juvenile Justice in United States Law in the Oxford […]