Enciclopedia Giuridica

Enciclopedia Giuridica

The Enciclopedia Giuridica is a 37-volume set comprising all aspects of Italian law, with 3.200 entries and 35.000 pages. It is compiled by a group of 1,000 leading Italian jurists, and is constantly updated. This is considered the single best resource for practitioners and scholars of Italian law.

The “Enciclopedia Giuridica” is published by the Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana (fondata da Giovanni Treccani) up until 1997 and integrated by subsequent volumes of updating.

Other Legal Encyclopedias in Italy

In Italy, Law Encyclopedias are tools for consultation which do not contain legislative texts but do contain references to them. Encyclopedias contain information dated at the time the heading was compiled, but they have the advantage of being systematic and authoritative because they are prepared by specialists on the subject.

Among the most important legal encyclopedias, besides the Enciclopedia Giuridica, it can be mentioned the “Enciclopedia del Diritto”, published by Giuffré since 1958, which is currently composed of more than 46 volumes and the “Novissimo Digesto Italiano”, edited by UTET (Turin), the editor of the supplement to journal “Legislazione vigente”, the abstracts of the decisions of the court “Massimario della giurisprudenza italiana”and the Journal “Repertorio della Giurisprudenza Italiana”, in 20 volumes starting from 1957 and then updated with later volumes.

See Also



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