Category: Legal Resources
Rule of Law
Rule of law Definition Rule of law means that any act of the government must be done through laws, that no one is above the law. However this principle has many controversial aspects, the core of it requires that fair laws should apply to all persons in a given jurisdiction. It also means […]
Rule of Law
Rule of law Definition Rule of law means that any act of the government must be done through laws, that no one is above the law. However this principle has many controversial aspects, the core of it requires that fair laws should apply to all persons in a given jurisdiction. It also means […]
Capacity to Contract
Capacity to Contract • Barriers to Contract–you either have the right to contract or not ? Analogous to Civil Procedure: either have standing or not. ? Constitutional Law: citizenship barriers. Graded (resident aliens, etc..), but sets up right to 'enter' legal system vs. not. […]
Capacity to Contract
Capacity to Contract • Barriers to Contract–you either have the right to contract or not ? Analogous to Civil Procedure: either have standing or not. ? Constitutional Law: citizenship barriers. Graded (resident aliens, etc..), but sets up right to 'enter' legal system vs. not. […]
Networks 4
Employment Law Alliance Region: International Members: 120 Professionals: 3000 When 3,000 of the finest labor and employment lawyers from more than 100 nations form an alliance dedicated to assisting employers, the […]
Networks 4
Employment Law Alliance Region: International Members: 120 Professionals: 3000 When 3,000 of the finest labor and employment lawyers from more than 100 nations form an alliance dedicated to assisting employers, the […]
International Humanitarian Law Treaties
International Humanitarian Law Treaties and Conventions Sources of international humanitarian law The sources are: International Humanitarian Law treaties. International Humanitarian Law is based on a number of treaties, in particular the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional […]
A Thesaurus is an online database or a book of synonyms and near-synonyms in a written language, usually arranged conceptually, although dictionary arrangement is not uncommon. The first thesaurus of the English language, published in 1852, was compiled by Peter Mark Roget. For an online […]
Schiller Classification
Schiller Classification The Schiller classification system is a locally-developed system for classifying foreign, comparative, pre-literate, ancient, medieval, and religious law materials. A call number in the Schiller classification system is comprised of an abbreviation to designate a legal system, followed by a number indicating the specific subject area within the system. Topical Divisions in the…
Hicks Classification System
Hicks Classification System The Hicks Classification System is a locally developed classification system used, in some libraries, for early primary source material, such as statutes and reports, in American and British law. The Hicks scheme or system is used, in general, in law libraries (mainly, in the Yale law library, where the scheme was created),…
Hicks Classification System
Hicks Classification System The Hicks Classification System is a locally developed classification system used, in some libraries, for early primary source material, such as statutes and reports, in American and British law. The Hicks scheme or system is used, in general, in law libraries (mainly, in the Yale law library, where the scheme was created),…
Legal opinions
Legal opinions A legal opinion is a statement, usually prepared in writing but sometimes delivered orally by a judge or court to announce the decision reached in a case argued or tried before them, giving a brief summary of the facts, expounding the law as it applies to the case, detailing […]
American Digest System
Case digests for American law, comprised of three different series: the Centennial Digest (cases up to 1896); the Decennial Digest (a number of sets covering either 10 or 5 years of cases, commencing in 1896); and the General Digest (volumes covering the period since the most recent Decennial […]
American Digest System
Case digests for American law, comprised of three different series: the Centennial Digest (cases up to 1896); the Decennial Digest (a number of sets covering either 10 or 5 years of cases, commencing in 1896); and the General Digest (volumes covering the period since the most recent Decennial […]
• Why is duress a problem? We want to know people actually agreed to contract of their own free will. (either under subjective or objective theory). Also violates pareto superior economic model, where at least one of the parties is better off and the other is at least not worse off. […]