Tag: Guyana

  • United Nations Influence

    United Nations Influence and EffectivenessIntroduction to United Nations InfluenceThe UN's influence on international politics is significant and cannot be ignored. The main goal of the UN's founders was to avoid a third world war, and in that respect, the organization has …

  • United Nations and Economic Development

    Functions of the UN: Economic and Social Development Economic DevelopmentIntroduction to United Nations and Economic DevelopmentThe UN operates under the principle that promoting economic and social development will help bring about lasting world peace. The organization's chart…

  • United Nations Membership

    Membership in the UNIntroduction to United Nations MembershipThe UN started in 1945 with 51 founding members-including the 50 countries that had attended the San Francisco conference, and Poland, which was not at the conference but signed the charter later.New members are a…

  • United Nations and Health

    Functions of the UN: Economic and Social Development HealthIntroduction to United Nations and HealthThe UN has recognized that adequate health and control of disease are essential to economic and social development. The World Health Organization (WHO) is the leading UN agency to ad…

  • United Nations Peacekeeping

    Functions of the UN: Maintenance of International Peace and Security PeacekeepingIntroduction to United Nations PeacekeepingPeacekeeping is the nonaggressive use of military force to help nations in conflict reach a settlement. The UN charter does not mention peacekeeping forces, a…

  • United Nations and Human Rights

    Functions of the UN: Human RightsIntroduction to United Nations and Human RightsOne of the UN's major goals under its charter is to promote and encourage respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all people, regardless of race, sex, language, or religion. But once a…

  • United Nations Peacekeeping Forces

    Introduction to United Nations Peacekeeping ForcesUnited Nations Peacekeeping Forces, agents of the United Nations (UN) who help to maintain or restore peace in regions of conflict. The peacekeeping forces comprise either unarmed observers or lightly armed military personnel from UN member …

  • United Nations Children’s Fund

    Introduction to United Nations Children«s FundUnited Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) organization founded by the United Nations in 1946 to provide food, clothing, and rehabilitative programs to European children brutalized by World War II (1939-1945). In 1950 the United Nations made UN…

  • United Nations Creation

    United Nations Creation of the United NationsIntroduction to United Nations CreationThe UN is the result of a long history of efforts to promote international cooperation. In the late 18th century, German philosopher Immanuel Kant proposed a federation or "league" of the …

  • United Nations Disaster Relief Office

    Introduction to United Nations Disaster Relief OfficeUnited Nations Disaster Relief Office (UNDRO), organization founded in 1971 by the General Assembly of the United Nations to mobilize and coordinate relief activities from various sources in times of disaster. UNDRO was established to coo…

  • United Nations Economic and Social Development

    Functions of the UN: Economic and Social DevelopmentIntroduction to United Nations Economic and Social DevelopmentThe second major function of the UN is to promote economic and social development worldwide. The UN engages in a myriad of activities and sponsors a large number of age…

  • United Nations Environment Program

    Functions of the UN: Economic and Social Development EnvironmentIntroduction to United Nations Environment ProgramThe United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) encourages and coordinates sound environmental practices throughout the world. It grapples with ways to approach environme…

  • United Nations Functions

    Functions of the UNIntroduction to United Nations FunctionsThe UN today has the same basic purpose and structure as it did when it was founded in 1945. Its primary purpose-and greatest benefit to its members-is to maintain world peace. That, in turn, helps countries to develop and …

  • United Nations Funding

    United Nations Un FundingIntroduction to United Nations FundingThe UN is funded by dues paid by each of its members. Each country's dues are based upon its wealth and ability to pay. The UN also requires countries to make financial contributions to its peacekeeping efforts. In …

  • Economic And Social Council Of The United Nations

    Economic and Social Council of the United Nations OutlineECOSOC is one of the major organs of the UN, consisting of 54 members. Its main function is to develop and coordinate social and economic policies of UN members. There are five regional commissions under ECOSOC: the Economic Commissio…