Tag: Definitions

  • International Criminal Law

    International Criminal Law International Criminal Law Authority Main source: Duff, Antony, "Theories of Criminal Law", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2008 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = . We have focused so […]

  • International Criminal Law

    International Criminal Law International Criminal Law Authority Main source: Duff, Antony, "Theories of Criminal Law", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2008 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = . We have focused so […]

  • Transnational Crime

    Transnational crime From a criminological perspective, the concept of 'transnational crime' originates from the mid-1970s when the United Nations used the term in order to identify certain criminal activities which transcend national jurisdictions. In 1995, the United Nations identified […]

  • Transnational Crime

    Transnational crime From a criminological perspective, the concept of 'transnational crime' originates from the mid-1970s when the United Nations used the term in order to identify certain criminal activities which transcend national jurisdictions. In 1995, the United Nations identified […]

  • Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum

    In Kiobel, et al., v Royal Dutch Petroleum, et al., lawyers for 12 individuals seeking to hold major oil companies legally responsible for human rights abuses in Nigeria in the 1990s have asked the Supreme Court to overturn a federal appeals court's ruling that corporations are immune to such […]

  • UN Convention against Corruption

    UN Convention against Corruption Title United Nations Convention Against Corruption About the Convention The purposes of the Convention are to promote and strengthen measures to prevent and combat corruption […]

  • UN Convention against Corruption

    UN Convention against Corruption Title United Nations Convention Against Corruption About the Convention The purposes of the Convention are to promote and strengthen measures to prevent and combat corruption […]

  • Patents

    Introduction This part of the Encyclopedia of Law provides an overview of the basic attributes of patents, along with the patentability requirements, practice in the USPTO, primarily the steps involved in obtaining a patent, some post-issuance considerations such as the patent term, and the […]

  • Patents

    Introduction This part of the Encyclopedia of Law provides an overview of the basic attributes of patents, along with the patentability requirements, practice in the USPTO, primarily the steps involved in obtaining a patent, some post-issuance considerations such as the patent term, and the […]

  • American Digest System

    Case digests for American law, comprised of three different series: the Centennial Digest (cases up to 1896); the Decennial Digest (a number of sets covering either 10 or 5 years of cases, commencing in 1896); and the General Digest (volumes covering the period since the most recent Decennial […]

  • American Digest System

    Case digests for American law, comprised of three different series: the Centennial Digest (cases up to 1896); the Decennial Digest (a number of sets covering either 10 or 5 years of cases, commencing in 1896); and the General Digest (volumes covering the period since the most recent Decennial […]

  • Parol Evidence Rule

    UCC Parol Evidence Rule: ? Is contract 'final' writing? ? If so, it can't be contradicted, but it can be supplemented. (thus, in Gianni, evidence as to the promise of the exclusive right to sell beverages would be admissible). ? Under Materson v. Sine , however, […]

  • Parol Evidence Rule

    UCC Parol Evidence Rule: ? Is contract 'final' writing? ? If so, it can't be contradicted, but it can be supplemented. (thus, in Gianni, evidence as to the promise of the exclusive right to sell beverages would be admissible). ? Under Materson v. Sine , however, […]

  • Duress

    • Why is duress a problem? We want to know people actually agreed to contract of their own free will. (either under subjective or objective theory). Also violates pareto superior economic model, where at least one of the parties is better off and the other is at least not worse off. […]

  • Statute of Frauds

    • Reasons for requiring writing ? Shows whether someone is lying or not ? Similar reasons to consideration–evidentiary, cautionary, channeling ? Makes intent clearer ? Encourages specificity ? Historical record ? 'Unfixity costs'–costs born […]