Tag: Crime Science

  • Crime Facilitators

    Crime Facilitators Crime Facilitators exist It is also known from research that certain conditions in the immediate environment facilitate crime and disorder – drugs, alcohol, guns and other weapons are obvious examples. The removal, or control, of these crime facilitators makes sense (on firearms, see for example Wintemute, 2000) and should contribute to the reduction…

  • Crime Cluster

    Crime Cluster Crime and disorder cluster in ‘hot spots’ There is substantial evidence that crime and disorder tend to cluster in certain places or at certain times (Eck, 1997). Some housing areas are more likely than others to suffer domestic burglary (Mirrlees-Black ef a/, 1998); some stores are more prone to shop theft than others…

  • Crime Cluster

    Crime Cluster Crime and disorder cluster in ‘hot spots’ There is substantial evidence that crime and disorder tend to cluster in certain places or at certain times (Eck, 1997). Some housing areas are more likely than others to suffer domestic burglary (Mirrlees-Black ef a/, 1998); some stores are more prone to shop theft than others…

  • Repeat Offender

    Repeat Offenders Crime is carried out by ‘hot people’ (Repeat Offenders) There is now well established research evidence that a small proportion of offenders commit a high proportion of offenses. For example, UK-based research has shown that by their 40th birthday, seven per cent of males born in 1953 had four or more court appearances…

  • Repeat Offender

    Repeat Offenders Crime is carried out by ‘hot people’ (Repeat Offenders) There is now well established research evidence that a small proportion of offenders commit a high proportion of offenses. For example, UK-based research has shown that by their 40th birthday, seven per cent of males born in 1953 had four or more court appearances…

  • Crime Science

    Crime Science The Relationships Between Crime Science and Related Approaches Crime science is particularly closely associated with four other subjects: forensic science, criminology, police science, and medical science. Evidence-based crime reduction Introduction Local problem-solving as a means of crime and disorder reduction has been emphasised in both the United Kingdom and the United States. In…

  • Crime Science

    Crime Science The Relationships Between Crime Science and Related Approaches Crime science is particularly closely associated with four other subjects: forensic science, criminology, police science, and medical science. Evidence-based crime reduction Introduction Local problem-solving as a means of crime and disorder reduction has been emphasised in both the United Kingdom and the United States. In…