Search results for: “industrial economy”

  • Information Society

    Information Society and the Treaties of the European Union Description of Information Society provided by the European Union Commission: The information society is synonymous with what is meant by "new information and communication technologies" (ICT). Since the beginning of the 90s, […]

  • Information Society

    Information Society and the Treaties of the European Union Description of Information Society provided by the European Union Commission: The information society is synonymous with what is meant by "new information and communication technologies" (ICT). Since the beginning of the 90s, […]

  • Painting

    Hierarchical Display of Painting Social Questions > Culture and religion > Arts > Fine arts Concept of Painting See the dictionary definition of Painting. Characteristics of Painting [rtbs name=”xxx-xxx”] Resources Translation of Painting Spanish: Pintura French: Peinture German: Malerei […]

  • Painting

    Hierarchical Display of Painting Social Questions > Culture and religion > Arts > Fine arts Concept of Painting See the dictionary definition of Painting. Characteristics of Painting [rtbs name=”xxx-xxx”] Resources Translation of Painting Spanish: Pintura French: Peinture German: Malerei […]

  • Development Policy

    Literature Review on Development Policy In the Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy, [1] Lawrence S. Graham offers the following summary about the topic of Development Policy: Development policy is the overarching term we use today in public administration and public […]

  • Development Policy

    Literature Review on Development Policy In the Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy, [1] Lawrence S. Graham offers the following summary about the topic of Development Policy: Development policy is the overarching term we use today in public administration and public […]

  • Area Management

    Hierarchical Display of Area management Environment > Environmental policy > Environmental policySocial Questions > Construction and town planning > Town planningSocial Questions > Construction and town planning > Town planning > Green area Area management Concept of Area management […]

  • Competition Policy

    Competition Policy and International Trade Economy In relation to international trade economy, Christopher Mark (1993) provided the following definition of Competition Policy: A broad category encompassing antitrust and other policies to remedy the imperfectly competitive nature of key […]

  • Employment

    Employment Law The Legal History of Employment and Labor Law This section provides an overview of Employment and Labor Law Employment in the CEDAW Article 11 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) stipulates, in relation to Employment, that […]

  • Employment

    Employment Law The Legal History of Employment and Labor Law This section provides an overview of Employment and Labor Law Employment in the CEDAW Article 11 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) stipulates, in relation to Employment, that […]

  • Economic Analysis

    Hierarchical Display of Economic analysis Economics > Economic analysisProduction, Technology And Research > Technology and technical regulations > Technology > BenchmarkingTrade > Trade > Supply and demandEconomics > National accounts > National accountsEconomics > Economic […]

  • Economic Analysis

    Hierarchical Display of Economic analysis Economics > Economic analysisProduction, Technology And Research > Technology and technical regulations > Technology > BenchmarkingTrade > Trade > Supply and demandEconomics > National accounts > National accountsEconomics > Economic […]

  • Development Aid

    Development aid and the Treaties of the European Union Description of Development aid provided by the European Union Commission: The beginnings of the European Community's development policy coincided with the signature of the Treaty of Rome in 1957, and the Member States' overseas countries […]

  • Andean Community

    Andean Community, organization of South American countries located along the Andes Mountains, whose aim is to facilitate development of member nations through economic and social cooperation. The Andean Community (also known as the Andean Group) was established in 1969 by authority of an […]

  • Andean Community

    Andean Community, organization of South American countries located along the Andes Mountains, whose aim is to facilitate development of member nations through economic and social cooperation. The Andean Community (also known as the Andean Group) was established in 1969 by authority of an […]