Search results for: “public limited company”

  • Municipal Law

    Municipal Law Definition Municipal Law, term used to designate the body of law of an individual nation or subdivision thereof, as distinguished from international law. Municipal law includes both public law, the branch of law concerned with the relations between the state and the individual, […]

  • Cybersquatting

    Trademark Developments Introduction to Cyber-Squatting In the 20th and 21th Century, some individuals have registered well-known trademarks as Internet domain names even though they do not own the mark or have any relation to the owner. For instance, a person with no connection to the […]

  • Attorney

    Introduction to Attorney Attorney, in law, any person authorized by another to represent him or her. An agent who has been granted express authority to bind his or her principal is called an attorney in fact. Such authority is usually granted by a written instrument called a power of […]

  • Attorney

    Introduction to Attorney Attorney, in law, any person authorized by another to represent him or her. An agent who has been granted express authority to bind his or her principal is called an attorney in fact. Such authority is usually granted by a written instrument called a power of […]

  • Online Dispute Resolution

    Introduction Ayelet Sela published an article entitled “Streamlining Justice: How Online Courts Can Resolve the Challenges of Pro Se Litigation” in the Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2016. This is an Abstract: “The tide of pro se litigation in the American justice […]

  • Online Dispute Resolution

    Introduction Ayelet Sela published an article entitled “Streamlining Justice: How Online Courts Can Resolve the Challenges of Pro Se Litigation” in the Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2016. This is an Abstract: “The tide of pro se litigation in the American justice […]

  • Internet Freedom

    Internet Freedom in 2011 United States views on international law (based on the document "Digest of U.S. Practice in International Law"): On June 10, 2011, the United States joined 39 other countries in a joint statement introduced by Sweden at the Human Rights Council on freedom of […]

  • Transnational Organized Crime

    Transnational Organized Crime Transnational organized crime (TOC) poses a significant and growing threat to national and international security, with dire implications for public safety, public health, democratic institutions, and economic stability across the globe. Not only are criminal networks expanding, but they also are diversifying their activities, resulting in the convergence of threats that were…

  • Private Military Companies

    Private Military and Security Companies in 2013 United States views on international law [1] in relation to Private Military and Security Companies: On September 19, 2013, U.S. Ambassador to the UN in Geneva Betty King delivered remarks at the launch of the International Code of Conduct […]

  • Antiterrorism Efforts

    General Concerns Criticism about anti-terrorism legislation and other measures in the United States, Canada and other countries focussed on three main areas: general concerns about the scope and effectiveness of these initiatives, violations of civil liberties, and invasions of […]

  • Antiterrorism Efforts

    General Concerns Criticism about anti-terrorism legislation and other measures in the United States, Canada and other countries focussed on three main areas: general concerns about the scope and effectiveness of these initiatives, violations of civil liberties, and invasions of […]

  • Amicus Curiae in International Investment Arbitration

    Amicus Curiae in International Investment Arbitration Note: this entry is a continuation of the entry about the Participation of Amici Curiae in NAFTA Chapter Eleven Cases. By Andrea K. Bjorklund (March 22, 2002) What Value Can The Proposed Amici Add The question of the movant’s interest must inevitably be bound up with the substantive knowledge…

  • Databases

    Databases Definition A database is an organized collection of data, today typically in digital form. The data are typically organized to model relevant aspects of reality, factual, in a way that supports processes requiring this information. The term database is applied to the data and their […]

  • Foreign Direct Investment

    Foreign Direct Investment in International Trade Meaning of FDI (Foreign Direct Investment), according to the Dictionary of International Trade (Global Negotiator): The controlling ownership in a business enterprise in one country by an entity based in another country. According to balance of […]

  • Dictionary of International Trade

    Dictionary of International Trade Dictionary of International Trade (Global Negotiator) Contents The Dictionary of International Trade of Global Negotiator include, among others, the following terms and acronyms: Back haul Back letter Back order Back to back letter of credit Backhauling Bad faith BAF Bailee Bailment Balance of payments Balance of trade Bale Bank acceptance Bank…