Search results for: “legislative history”

  • Rule

    Rule By “rule” Anthony D’Amato (in his article “Legal Uncertainty”, 71 Cal. L. Rev. 1 (1983)) means “not only a particular rule of law, such as a subsection of the Internal Revenue Code or the Rule in Shelley’s Case, but also any principle, policy, theory, or other legal argument that can be cited by a…

  • Specialized Legal Research

    Specialized Legal Research The topics below provide an overview of legal research sources and techniques in some popular specialized areas. For more specific content on researching in these areas, see the labels about legal research here. Researching Legislative History Securities Law Research Federal Tax Law Research (in the American tax Encyclopedia)

  • Legal Research Sources

    Overview of Legal Research Sources Constitutions There is more information about this subjet related to the field of legal research in the legal encyclopedia.Codes There is more information about this subjet related to the field of legal research in the legal encyclopedia.Statutory Laws There […]

  • Dictionary of Statutory Interpretation

    Dictionary of Statutory Interpretation In the introduction to this legal Dictionary, the author believes that, whatever the “merits of the descriptive vs. prescriptive debate regarding ordinary dictionaries, the task for a specialized legal dictionary is clear. It must be both descriptive and prescriptive. It must be descriptive in order to provide a complete picture of…

  • List of Legal Materials in the Encyclopedia of Law

    List of Legal Materials (Guides and Portals) Legal Materials (Guides and Portals) in the Encyclopedia of Law Legal Abbreviations and Acronyms Guide Administrative Law Catalogue of Aid Materials Alabama Legal Catalogue of Aid Materials Alaska Legal Catalogue of Aid Materials Alternative Dispute Resolution Legal Catalogue of Aid Materials U.S. Legal History Legal Catalogue of Aid…

  • Popular Name of Acts

    TERMINO The TERMINO (Columna B+C) is a U.S. federal law, passed by the United States Congress. The TERMINO was signed into law by President. TERMINO is the popular name of a piece of legislation of Congress by which it should be cited. Often acts (like the TERMINO) are given popular or alternate names that may…

  • List of Legal Databases

    List of Legal Databases Databases A-Z List 19th Century Masterfile Publisher of this legal database: Paratext Coverage +/- : 1786 – 1937Contains numerous indexes, some with links to full-text. Use article finder or one of the other options (Google Book Search, Hathi trust) to locate full-text of citations, online or in print, or request via…

  • International Boycott Factor

    An element of Section 999 of the Internal Revenue Code dealing with income derived in support of an international boycott. U.S. policy generally opposes international economic boycotts against friendly nations, and income derived by U.S. firms in furtherance of such boycotts receives adverse tax tre…

  • Boolean and Free-text Searching for Legal Research

    Boolean and Free-text Searching for Legal Research Richard Delgado and Jean Stefanic, in “Why Do We Tell the Same Stories?: Law Reform, Critical Librarianship, and the Triple Helix Dilemma”(42 Stan. L. Rev. 207, 214 (1989)), wrote that “Some scholars note that the inability of lawyers to follow the development of the law either nationally or…

  • Legal Thesaurus

    A legal Thesaurus is an effective tool for the organization of legal materials. The UNCITRAL Thesaurus on the CISG,[1] provides a helpful outline of the contents of each Article of the Sales Convention. The Roget’s Thesaurus provides a list of synonyms. But they are not a controlled vocabulary, containing all the possible preferred terms and…

  • De Sanchez v. Banco Central de Nicaragua

    JOSEFINA NAJARRO de SANCHEZ v. BANCO CENTRAL de NICARAGUA United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit 770 F.2d 1385 Decided September 19, 1985 GOLDBERG, Circuit Judge: Clausewitz once described war as politics carried on by other means. Here it could be said that litigation is war carried on by other means. The plaintiff’s…

  • Bouvier's Law Dictionary and Concise Encyclopedia, 1914

    Bouvier’s Law Dictionary and Concise Encyclopedia Bouvier’s Law Dictionary and Concise Encyclopedia (3d revision), 8th ed., West Publishing Company, 1914, 3 volumes; reprinted in 1984 by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Acording to Morris L. Cohen et Al. (“How to Find the Law”, 412, 9th ed. 1989), “For almost a hundred years, the numerous…

  • Outline of Evidence

    Note: this entry is based in United States law I. Burdens and Presumptions a. Burden of Proof i. Burden of pleading 1. You have to plead a claim, to state a claim for which relief can be granted ii. Burden of production 1. Must introduce evidence to support your claim in your pleading iii. Burden…

  • Proquest Congressional

    Proquest Congressional This is a one stop shopping for modern legislative history indexing and documents in the United States. This is the online version of the print indexes, CIS indexing and abstracting of congressional publications, and the CIS Legislative Histories (1970-present). It also includes electronic full text of selected congressional reports, documents, prints, Bills and…

  • International Criminal Court Part 32

    International Criminal Court Part 32   601 The Assembly of States Parties and the Institutional Framework of the International Criminal Court Daryl A. Mundis American Journal of International Law Volume 97, Number 1, January 2003 p.132 LAW JOURNAL / LAW REVIEW 602 The International Criminal Court: Elements of Crimes and Rules of Procedure and Evidence…