Search results for: “topic”

  • European Investment Bank

    Summary of European Investment Bank A multilateral development bank established in 1958 by the Treaty of Rome for the purpose of assisting in the balanced growth of the European economic community (read this and related legal terms for further details) (EEC). The bank grants long-term loans […]

  • European Investment Bank

    Summary of European Investment Bank A multilateral development bank established in 1958 by the Treaty of Rome for the purpose of assisting in the balanced growth of the European economic community (read this and related legal terms for further details) (EEC). The bank grants long-term loans […]

  • Bangladesh

    The Legal History of Bangladesh This section provides an overview of Bangladesh Literature Review on Bangladesh In the Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy, [1] Ferdous Jahan and Asif Mohammad Shahan provide the following summary about the topic of Bangladesh: This entry […]

  • Probationary Period

    Spanish Translation of probationary periodThis is the legal translation of English to Spanish in relation to probationary period and / or a definition of this topic: Período Probatorio (in Spanish, without translation of the dictionary entry).

  • Payment

    Spanish Translation of payment and benefitsThis is the legal translation of English to Spanish in relation to payment or benefits and / or a definition of this topic: Prestación (in Spanish, without translation of the dictionary entry).

  • Database

    Database in Legal Information RetrievalThe following is a basic concept of Database in relation to information retrieval. In addition to this, Database may be applied to legal texts, including case law, legislation and scholarly works. Database is a relatively new word for a collection of data […]

  • Real Property

    The Legal History of Real Property This section provides an overview of Real Property Real Property Contents of Real Property Contents of this subject matter include: This topic examines land law in several jurisdictions. the topics to be covered are: (Tenures and Estates and Native Title; […]

  • European Convention on Human Rights

    Introduction The European Convention on Human Rights was a reaction against the horrific abuses of human rights that took place before and during the Second World War, followed by further abuses occurring within the newly formed Communist block. These led, in 1949, due in part to the […]

  • Russia

    English translations of Russian Federation laws are published in the Central & Eastern European Legal Materials series by Columbia University's Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law. Russian economic laws are available on Lexis. For more information and resources see: […]

  • Russia

    English translations of Russian Federation laws are published in the Central & Eastern European Legal Materials series by Columbia University's Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law. Russian economic laws are available on Lexis. For more information and resources see: […]

  • Injunction

    Introduction to Injunction Injunction, generally, an order or decree in the law of equity, requiring a defendant to refrain from committing a specific act, either in process or threatened, injurious to the plaintiff. Injunctions are granted on the usual grounds for equitable actions, namely, […]

  • Injunction

    Introduction to Injunction Injunction, generally, an order or decree in the law of equity, requiring a defendant to refrain from committing a specific act, either in process or threatened, injurious to the plaintiff. Injunctions are granted on the usual grounds for equitable actions, namely, […]

  • Common Agricultural Policy

    Common agricultural policy (CAP) and the Treaties of the European Union Description of Common agricultural policy (CAP) provided by the European Union Commission: The common agricultural policy is a matter reserved exclusively for the Community. Under Article 33 of the Treaty establishing the […]

  • Common Agricultural Policy

    Common agricultural policy (CAP) and the Treaties of the European Union Description of Common agricultural policy (CAP) provided by the European Union Commission: The common agricultural policy is a matter reserved exclusively for the Community. Under Article 33 of the Treaty establishing the […]

  • Rule of Law

    Rule of law Definition Rule of law means that any act of the government must be done through laws, that no one is above the law. However this principle has many controversial aspects, the core of it requires that fair laws should apply to all persons in a given jurisdiction. It also means […]