Search results for: “european organization for nuclear research”

  • MPEPIL: Law of the sea

    MPEPIL: Law of the sea   Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (MPEPIL) list of articles of this subject. List of articles pertaining to this subject: Law of the sea: 1. Abu Dhabi Oil Arbitration, Dolzer, Rudolf 2. Admiralty Law, de la Motte, Thomas 3. Alabama Arbitration, Bingham, Tom 4. Altmark, The, Pierlings, Tobias…

  • List of international law publications in english

    List of international law legal publications in english language English language legal publications Jurisdiction ASILS International Law Journal International African Journal of International Law International African Journal of International and Comparative Law Africa African Yearbook of International Law South Africa American International Law Cases International American Journal of International Law International American Society of International…

  • Other Environmental conventions

    Other Environmental international conventions Other Environmental multirateral conventions Convention for the Establishment of the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (18 April 1951) International Plant Protection Convention (6 December 1951) and the Plant Protection Agreement for the South East Asia and Pacific Region (27 February 1956) Great Lakes Basin Compact (1955) The Antarctic Treaty (1…

  • Marine and Coastal conventions

    Marine and Coastal international conventions Marine and Coastal multilateral conventions Convention between the United States, Great Britain, Russia and Japan for the Preservation and Protection of Fur Seals (7 July 1911) (no longer in force) International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling (2 Dec 1946); Protocol of Amendment (1956) Convention for the Establishment of an…

  • Conventions: Chronological Index 1971-1990

    International Conventions: Chronological Index 1971-1990 See also: Conventions: Chronological Index International Conventions from 1991 Conventions: Chronological Index: 1951-1970 Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat (RAMSAR) (2 Feb 1971). Ramsar Convention Bureau Treaty on the Prohibition of the Emplacement of Nuclear Weapons and other Weapons of Mass Destruction on the Seabed and…

  • Top 25.000 English words

    Which are the top 25.000 most popular English words? According to a review from Lawi, these are the 25.000 most popular English words, in order: you the i to a and it of that in is me what this for my on your we have do no don’t are be i’m not was he it’s…

  • War and Peace legal resources

    War and Peace legal resources Chemical And Biological Warfare Chemical Weapons Convention (OPCW) Negotiations, Text, PTS, OPCW Chemical and Biological Weapons Materials (Harvard/Sussex) Includes Geneva Protocol, Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, Chemical Weapons Convention, Pugwash Study Group, other materials Effective Implementation of the CWC (SIPRI) Signatories; Ratifications; Background Papers; Conference Proceedings; Papers and Fact Sheets;…

  • Law Journals Ranking Worldwide

    Law Journals Ranking Worldwide Note: see also Law Journals (entry). Over the years, many ranking systems for law journals have evolved, incorporating a variety of methodologies and factors, including frequency and other factors. The publication of rankings may change submission patterns, with journals with higher ratings receiving a much greater number of submissions, some of…