Search results for: “question put to a minister”

  • Composition of A Parliamentary Committee

    Hierarchical Display of Composition of a parliamentary committee Politics > Parliament > Composition of parliament > Parliamentary committee Composition of a parliamentary committee Concept of Composition of a parliamentary committee See the dictionary definition of Composition of a […]

  • Government Policy

    Resources See Also Foreign Policy Foreign Relations Trade Regulation Public Policy International Relations

  • Rule of Law

    Rule of law Definition Rule of law means that any act of the government must be done through laws, that no one is above the law. However this principle has many controversial aspects, the core of it requires that fair laws should apply to all persons in a given jurisdiction. It also means […]

  • Rule of Law

    Rule of law Definition Rule of law means that any act of the government must be done through laws, that no one is above the law. However this principle has many controversial aspects, the core of it requires that fair laws should apply to all persons in a given jurisdiction. It also means […]

  • Anti-Semitism

    Zionism Historical Background: The Rise of Modern Anti-SemitismIntroduction to Anti-SemitismPolitical emancipation, however, proved to be a false dawn. In the second half of the 19th century organized anti-Semitic parties emerged in Germany and Austria-Hungary. In Russia, where the…

  • Anti-Semitism

    Zionism Historical Background: The Rise of Modern Anti-SemitismIntroduction to Anti-SemitismPolitical emancipation, however, proved to be a false dawn. In the second half of the 19th century organized anti-Semitic parties emerged in Germany and Austria-Hungary. In Russia, where the…

  • Intellectual Property

    Summary of Intellectual Property Intellectual Property is, according withWilliam J. Miller, a general term covering industrial property such as patents, trademarks, and trade names, as well as literary and artistic property, including copyrights. Consideration of the meaning of the word […]

  • Evidence

    Introduction to Evidence Evidence, the means by which disputed facts are proved to be true or untrue in any trial before a court of law or an agency that functions like a court. Because American law is committed to a rational rather than a formalistic system of evidence, no value is assigned […]

  • Evidence

    Introduction to Evidence Evidence, the means by which disputed facts are proved to be true or untrue in any trial before a court of law or an agency that functions like a court. Because American law is committed to a rational rather than a formalistic system of evidence, no value is assigned […]

  • Law of the Sea

    Law Of The Sea The United States Congress has kept the United NationsÂ’s Law of the Sea Treaty bottled up in committee for 30 years. In 2011, a rush by nations to claim oil rights under the Arctic Sea was quickening debate on treaty accession. United States Senator Lee, cofounder of […]

  • Common Law

    Introduction to Common Law "Common Law, term used to refer to the main body of English unwritten law that evolved from the 12th century onward. The name comes from the idea that English medieval law, as administered by the courts of the realm, reflected the "common"customs of […]

  • Common Law

    Introduction to Common Law "Common Law, term used to refer to the main body of English unwritten law that evolved from the 12th century onward. The name comes from the idea that English medieval law, as administered by the courts of the realm, reflected the "common"customs of […]

  • Penal Code

    Resources See Also Legal System Judiciary Justice

  • Democracy

    Introduction to Democracy Democracy (Greek demos,"the people"; kratein, "to rule"), political system in which the people of a country rule through any form of government they choose to establish. In modern democracies, supreme authority is exercised for the most part by […]


    Coreper Coreper and the Treaties of the European Union Description of Coreper provided by the European Union Commission: Coreper, the French acronym by which the Permanent Representatives Committee is known, consists of the Member States' Ambassadors to the European Union ("Permanent […]