Introduction to Democracy
Democracy (Greek demos,”the people”; kratein, “to rule”), political system in which the people of a country rule through any form of government they choose to establish. In modern democracies, supreme authority is exercised for the most part by representatives elected by popular suffrage. The representatives may be supplanted by the electorate according to the legal procedures of recall and referendum, and they are, at least in principle, responsible to the electorate. In many democracies, such as the United States, both the executive head of government and the legislature are elected. In typical constitutional monarchies such as the United Kingdom and Norway, only the legislators are elected, and from their ranks a cabinet and a prime minister are chosen.
Although often used interchangeably, the terms democracy and republic are not synonymous. Both systems delegate the power to govern to their elected representatives. In a republic, however, these officials are expected to act on their own best judgment of the needs and interests of the country. The officials in a democracy more generally and directly reflect the known or ascertained views of their constituents, sometimes subordinating their own judgment.” (1)
Consolidating Democracy in Election Law
A necessary process in new democracies, it involves educating citizens about the principles of democracy, citizenship and the rule of law to ensure these concepts become the norm. Consolidating democracy requires changes within political institutions and in the behaviour of both citizens and political actors, so that a consensus is built around democratic practice. It also requires an active, strong civil society that is aware of the issues at stake.
Democracy in Election Law
The term originates from the Greek dêmokratía (government by the people), which is made up of dêmos (people) and kratos (power or rule). It refers to a political system in which power is held or controlled by the people (principle of sovereignty), without distinction based on origin, wealth or skill (principle of equality). As a general rule, democracies are indirect or representative: power is exercised via representatives who are elected by universal suffrage. Democracy implies political pluralism and alternation of power. It is a system based on equality and guaranteed rights and freedoms, without discrimination.
Emerging Democracy in Election Law
Democracy which is not yet established but is under development, following a conflict or the end of a dictatorial regime. This can be done in a peaceful, voluntarily manner by the government itself, through progressive, negotiated political reform, or as a result of a popular movement which brings down a dictatorship.
Concept of Democracy
Note: explore also the meaning of this legal term in the American Ecyclopedia of Law.
Rule of Law and Democracy Promotion
In relation to the international law practice and rule of law and democracy promotion in this world legal Encyclopedia, please see the following section:
Human Rights
About this subject:
UN Third Committee Resolution
Note: there is detailed information and resources under these topics during the year 2013, covered by this entry on rule of law and democracy promotion in this law Encyclopedia.
Determine Democracy in Web Design, the Law and other Social Sciences
This chapter serves as an introduction to apply seven indicators in examining democracy on web interface design. It introduces a new measuring instrument to assist in determining a nation’s democracy level, so that democracy can be measured not only by traditional methods (surveys, case studies, questionnaires, interviews, and observations), but also through the study of web interface design. As a result, it extends cultural and political studies into the fields of human-computer interaction and user interface design.[1]
See Also
- Democracy
- Citizenship
See Also
- Political System
- Politics
- Government
Notes and References
- Rowena Li, “Determine Democracy in Web Design” (Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, 4th Edition, Information Resources Management Association, 2018)
See Also
- Election Law
- Electoral Laws
- Electoral Legislation
See Also
- Election Law
- Electoral Laws
- Electoral Legislation
See Also
- Election Law
- Electoral Laws
- Electoral Legislation
Notes and References
- Information about Democracy in the Encarta Online Encyclopedia
Guide to Democracy
In this Section
Democracy, Democracy in Ancient Greece and Rome and Democracy in Western Europe and the U.S.
Hierarchical Display of Democracy
Politics > Political framework > Political philosophy
Politics > Political framework > Political system > People’s democracy
Politics > Political framework > Political ideology > Liberalism
Politics > Executive power and public service > Executive body > Executive competence > Government policy > Democratisation
Concept of Democracy
See the dictionary definition of Democracy.
Characteristics of Democracy
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Translation of Democracy
- Spanish: Democracia
- French: Démocratie
- German: Demokratie
- Italian: Democrazia
- Portuguese: Democracia
- Polish: Demokracja
Thesaurus of Democracy
Politics > Political framework > Political philosophy > Democracy
Politics > Political framework > Political system > People’s democracy > Democracy
Politics > Political framework > Political ideology > Liberalism > Democracy
Politics > Executive power and public service > Executive body > Executive competence > Government policy > Democratisation > Democracy
See also
- Democratic equality
- Political pluralism