Search results for: “forms of government”

  • Communism Early Forms

    Communism Early Forms of CommunismCommunist ideas can be traced back to ancient times. In his 4th-century bc work The Republic, Greek philosopher Plato maintained that minimizing social inequality would promote civil peace and good government. In Plato's ideal republic, an elite class o…

  • History of Government

    History of Government Introduction The despotic empires of Egypt, Sumer, Assyria, Persia, and Macedonia were followed by the rise of city-states, the first self-governing communities, in which the rule of law predominated and state officials were responsible to the citizens who chose them. The city-states of Greece, such as Athens, Corinth, and Sparta, and of…

  • Government Censorship

    Government Censorship Introduction to Government Censorship Government Censorship in the UK In England religious conflict bred general intolerance, which resulted in censorship that embraced political as well as religious expression. At a time when religion dominated society, every aspect of life was necessarily subject to official control. In 1662, for instance, a licensing act created…

  • Instructions for the Government of Armies of the United States in the Field 4

    Instructions for the Government of Armies of the United States in the Field   Art. 50. Moreover, citizens who accompany an army for whatever purpose, such as sutlers, editors, or reporters of journals, or contractors, if captured, may be made prisoners of war, and be detained as such. The monarch and members of the hostile…

  • International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination 3

    International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination   Article 14 1. A State Party may at any time declare that it recognizes the competence of the Committee to receive and consider communications from individuals or groups of individuals within its jurisdiction claiming to be victims of a violation by that State…

  • International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination

    International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination   PART I Article 1 1. In this Convention, the term "racial discrimination"shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic […]

  • Anarchism

    Anarchism, political theory that is opposed to all forms of government. Anarchists believe that the highest attainment of humanity is the freedom of individuals to express themselves, unhindered by any form of repression or control from without. They hold that the perfection of humanity will […]

  • Authoritarianism

    In relation to the authoritarianism and constitutional law, Gábor Attila Tóth[1] made the following observation: Modern authoritarianism, a form of government (forms of government), is multifaceted. As a broad term, authoritarianism refers to arbitrary governmental authority. The common […]

  • Information Technology

    Literature Review on Information Technology: State Government Use and Management In the Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy, [1] Paul M. Chalekian offers the following summary about the topic of Information Technology: State Government Use and Management: The effective […]

  • Information Technology

    Literature Review on Information Technology: State Government Use and Management In the Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy, [1] Paul M. Chalekian offers the following summary about the topic of Information Technology: State Government Use and Management: The effective […]

  • Censorship

    Introduction Censorship, supervision and control of the information and ideas that are circulated among the people within a society. In modern times, censorship refers to the examination of books, periodicals, plays, films, television and radio programs, news reports, and other […]

  • Republic

    Republic (government) Introduction to Republic Republic (government) (Latin res publica, literally "the public thing"), form of state based on the concept that sovereignty resides in the people, who delegate the power to rule in their behalf to elected representatives and o…

  • Common Topics

    Common Topics Arbitration Arms Control Bill of Exchange Cemeteries Church Church Properties Common Law Competition law Contracts Conventions Courts Criminal Procedure Customs Law Cybercrime Definitions Dictionaries Disarmament Elections Europe European Union Export Controls Export Law Exports Featured Foregin Policy Foreign Affairs Foreign Policy France GATT History Human Development Human rights Immunities Import Law Information Retrieval…

  • Types of Federalism

    In relation to the types of federalism and constitutional law, Nicholas Aroney[1] made the following observation: It is commonplace today to distinguish between federalism conceived as a normative or ideological commitment to the federal principle, 'federal systems' as forms of […]

  • Types of Federalism

    In relation to the types of federalism and constitutional law, Nicholas Aroney[1] made the following observation: It is commonplace today to distinguish between federalism conceived as a normative or ideological commitment to the federal principle, 'federal systems' as forms of […]