For an introduction to Moldovan law and legal materials, see Performing Legal Research: the Moldovan Experience by Mariana Harjevschi and Svetlana Andritchi.
English translations of key Moldova laws are published in the Central & Eastern European Legal Materials series by Columbia University’s Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law.
Georgia and Moldova Agreements With the EU in 2013
United States views on international law [1] in relation to Georgia and Moldova Agreements With the Euroean Union: On November 29, 2013, Secretary Kerry issued a press statement congratulating Georgia and Moldova on initialing association agreements and free trade agreements with the European Union at the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius. The press statement, available at (Secretary of State website) also includes the following expressions of U.S. support for and commitment to greater European integration of Georgia and Moldova:
The United States strongly supports the integration of Georgia and Moldova into the Euro-Atlantic community, which will spur greater economic opportunity, development and prosperity across the continent.
We commend Georgia and Moldova for strengthening the rule of law, democracy, and free markets. Meeting the goals of the EU’s Eastern Partnership program is one of the surest paths to a Europe whole, free and at peace.
We reaffirm our commitment to deepening our partnership with the people of Georgia and Moldova, and we will continue to support their governments as they lay the groundwork for greater European integration and a better, more prosperous future.
- Georgia and Moldova Agreements With the eu in the Digest of United States Practice in International Law
Hierarchical Display of Moldova
Geography > Political geography > Council of Europe countries
European Union > European construction > EU relations > European neighbourhood policy > Eastern Partnership
Concept of Moldova
See the dictionary definition of Moldova.
Characteristics of Moldova
[rtbs name=”xxx-xxx”]
Translation of Moldova
- Spanish: Moldavia
- French: Moldavie
- German: Moldau
- Italian: Moldova
- Portuguese: Moldávia
- Polish: Mołdawia
Thesaurus of Moldova
Geography > Political geography > Council of Europe countries > Moldova
European Union > European construction > EU relations > European neighbourhood policy > Eastern Partnership > Moldova
See also
- Education policy
- Elimination of illiteracy
- Comparative education
- Educational planning
- Selection of pupils
- Access to education
- Length of studies
- Education budget
- Teaching quality
- Educational exchange
- Recognition of diplomas
- Eurydice
- Democratisation of education
- Education costs
- Schooling
- Education statistics
- Equivalence of diplomas
- Recognition of studies
- School legislation
- Education allowance
- Education subsidy
- Research grant
- Scholarship
- Student grant
- Study grant
- Study loan
- Training allowance
- Data-processing centre
- Data centre
- Macedonia-Skopje
- The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
- Ex-Yugoslav republic
- Republic of Belarus
- Republic of Moldova