Loyalty Towards Federation

Loyalty Towards Federation

Loyalty Towards Federation

In relation to the loyalty towards federation and constitutional law, Michèle Finck[1] made the following observation: The principle of federal good faith, also referred to as federal comity, federal loyalty, federal trust, or federal fidelity, is a guiding principle that intervenes in inter-level relations in federal systems (federalism). The principle, which to date has received little scholarly attention, let alone from a comparative perspective, echoes the spirit of loyalty and cooperation reigning between the various federated entities (component federal units) as well as towards the federal level itself. While arguably an inherent feature of most if not all (…)


Notes and References

  1. Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law, Michèle Finck, “Loyalty Towards Federation” (2018, Germany, United Kingdom)

See Also

  • Federalism



