Tag: Comparative Constitutional Law

  • Judicial Review

    Introduction The U.S. case Marbury v. Madison (1803) held that the power of a court to decide what is the meaning of the American Constitution was implicit in an independent judiciary. This power of judicial review in the U.S. was a unique feature of the U.S. constitutionalism well into the […]

  • Abortion

    The Legal History of Abortion in Hindu Law This section provides an overview of Abortion in Hindu Law In relation to the abortion and constitutional law, Radhika Rao[1] made the following observation: Abortion is commonly defined as the intentional termination of pregnancy with reasonable […]

  • Data Protection

    Governments and regulators around the world are considering a number of legislative and regulatory proposals concerning data protection. In addition, the interpretation and application of consumer and data protection laws or regulations in the United States, Europe and elsewhere are often […]

  • Data Protection

    Governments and regulators around the world are considering a number of legislative and regulatory proposals concerning data protection. In addition, the interpretation and application of consumer and data protection laws or regulations in the United States, Europe and elsewhere are often […]

  • Primary Education

    In relation to the primary education and constitutional law, Pablo Meix Cereceda[1] made the following observation: 'Primary education' is one of the expressions most frequently used by constitutions around the world when they refer to school education of children […]

  • Primary Education

    In relation to the primary education and constitutional law, Pablo Meix Cereceda[1] made the following observation: 'Primary education' is one of the expressions most frequently used by constitutions around the world when they refer to school education of children […]

  • Freedom of Trade

    Freedom of Trade and Commerce In relation to the freedom of trade and commerce and constitutional law, Gonzalo Villalta Puig[1] made the following observation: The freedom of trade and commerce is a constitutional norm that conceives the sale and purchase of goods and services among or […]

  • Freedom of Trade

    Freedom of Trade and Commerce In relation to the freedom of trade and commerce and constitutional law, Gonzalo Villalta Puig[1] made the following observation: The freedom of trade and commerce is a constitutional norm that conceives the sale and purchase of goods and services among or […]

  • Socialism

    Socialist Law The inclusion of "Socialist law", in the past, was unavoidable in certain legal classifications. Marxist-Leninist thought still plays a sometimes significant role in the legal organization of certain countries. The criterion which governed the creation of a category […]

  • Socialism

    Socialist Law The inclusion of "Socialist law", in the past, was unavoidable in certain legal classifications. Marxist-Leninist thought still plays a sometimes significant role in the legal organization of certain countries. The criterion which governed the creation of a category […]

  • Devolution

    In relation to the devolution and constitutional law, John Hopkins[1] made the following observation: Although the term devolution has become increasingly commonplace in constitutional and political discourse, the concept itself defies easy definition. Its use in European languages dates […]

  • Devolution

    In relation to the devolution and constitutional law, John Hopkins[1] made the following observation: Although the term devolution has become increasingly commonplace in constitutional and political discourse, the concept itself defies easy definition. Its use in European languages dates […]

  • Extradition

    Introduction to Extradition Extradition, in law, surrender by one sovereign power to another of a fugitive from justice. Between nations, the right of one power to demand of another the extradition of a fugitive accused of crime, and the duty of the country in which the fugitive has found […]

  • Social Rights

    In relation to the social rights and constitutional law, David Landau[1] made the following observation: Social rights are the rights of people to achieve their basic human needs. In domestic constitutional orders, common social rights include the right to healthcare (right to health), […]

  • Social Rights

    In relation to the social rights and constitutional law, David Landau[1] made the following observation: Social rights are the rights of people to achieve their basic human needs. In domestic constitutional orders, common social rights include the right to healthcare (right to health), […]