Famous Cybercriminals

Famous Cybercriminals

Famous Cybercriminals

Overview of Famous Cybercriminals in relation to cyber crime: [1]Kevin Poulsen, a skilled computer and telephone network hacker, began his criminal career early in life. Caught breaking into private and government information systems, Poulsen was recruited as a security expert by a government contractor. During the day he would work his legitimate job, but at night Poulsen would break into phone company offices to steal equipment and manuals. Tipped off that the authorities were looking for him, Poulsen fled arrest. During his time on the run, in 1990, Poulsen and two accomplices manipulated a telephone network to win a ''call in'' radio contest hosted by KIIS-FM in Los Angeles, California. Poulsen won a Porsche automobile, money, and a trip to Hawaii. Eventually, however, Poulsen was captured and convicted for this crime. He was sentenced to four years in prison, three years probation during which he could not use a computer, and fined $58,000. After prison, Poulsen worked for information technology (IT) publications, eventually becoming senior editor at Wired Magazine.


Notes and References

1. By Gary Scarborough

See Also

  • Types of Cybercrime
  • Cybercriminal

Further Reading

Borzillo, C. (1993, May 8). From contest stars to prison stripes; Three frequent L.A. winners indicated for fraud. Billboard, 64; Rogers, R., & Beale, J. (2004). Stealing the network: How to own a continent. Rockland, MA: Syngress Publishing; Filiol, E. (2005). Computer viruses: From theory to applications. Paris: Springer; Mohay, G., Anderson, A., Collie, B., De Vel, O., &McKemmish, R. (2003). Computer and intrusion forensics. Norwood,MA: Artech House Inc.;Weber,M.J. (2004). Invasion of privacy: Big brother and the company hackers. Boston: Premier Press.



