Category: Criminology

  • Crime Cluster

    Crime Cluster Crime and disorder cluster in ‘hot spots’ There is substantial evidence that crime and disorder tend to cluster in certain places or at certain times (Eck, 1997). Some housing areas are more likely than others to suffer domestic burglary (Mirrlees-Black ef a/, 1998); some stores are more prone to shop theft than others…

  • Crime Cluster

    Crime Cluster Crime and disorder cluster in ‘hot spots’ There is substantial evidence that crime and disorder tend to cluster in certain places or at certain times (Eck, 1997). Some housing areas are more likely than others to suffer domestic burglary (Mirrlees-Black ef a/, 1998); some stores are more prone to shop theft than others…

  • Repeat Offender

    Repeat Offenders Crime is carried out by ‘hot people’ (Repeat Offenders) There is now well established research evidence that a small proportion of offenders commit a high proportion of offenses. For example, UK-based research has shown that by their 40th birthday, seven per cent of males born in 1953 had four or more court appearances…

  • Repeat Offender

    Repeat Offenders Crime is carried out by ‘hot people’ (Repeat Offenders) There is now well established research evidence that a small proportion of offenders commit a high proportion of offenses. For example, UK-based research has shown that by their 40th birthday, seven per cent of males born in 1953 had four or more court appearances…

  • Moral Panics

    Moral Panics Definition Jewkes wrote [1] that it is “difficult to explain why criminology-and its related fields-continue to place the moral panic thesis at the heart of studies of deviance and disorder when both sociology and media studies have more or less ignored it for decades.” The concept of moral panic offered by the Online…

  • Defensible Space

    Defensible Space The term “defensible space” was coined by Oscar Newman (1973a) in his book “Defensible Space.” About the book, Reynald and Elffers, in their article “The future of Newman’s defensible space theory: Linking defensible space and the routine activities of place”, published in the European Journal of Criminology (6(1), 25-46), wrote (page 29): “For…

  • Community Corrections

    Community Corrections Probation is a court-ordered period of correctional supervision in the community and is generally used as an alternative to incarceration. Parole is a period of conditional supervised release in the community following a prison term. In Europe, probation is often used as the default term for community corrections. Community sanctions and measures These…

  • Incarceration Effects

    Incarceration Effects Lawmakers across the political spectrum, in some countries such as the United States, have begun to re-examine the policies that led to the massive growth in incarceration over the last generation. Incarceration is costly, the evidence for its deterrence value is mixed, and it has disproportionately affected people who are poor and (in…

  • Worker Safety

    Worker Safety History Friedrich Engels, in his classic book “The Condition of the Working Class in England” argued the following: [1] “When one individual inflicts bodily injury upon another, such injury that death results, we call that deed manslaughter; when the assailant knew in advance that the injury would be fatal, we call this deed…

  • Crime Science

    Crime Science The Relationships Between Crime Science and Related Approaches Crime science is particularly closely associated with four other subjects: forensic science, criminology, police science, and medical science. Evidence-based crime reduction Introduction Local problem-solving as a means of crime and disorder reduction has been emphasised in both the United Kingdom and the United States. In…

  • Crime Science

    Crime Science The Relationships Between Crime Science and Related Approaches Crime science is particularly closely associated with four other subjects: forensic science, criminology, police science, and medical science. Evidence-based crime reduction Introduction Local problem-solving as a means of crime and disorder reduction has been emphasised in both the United Kingdom and the United States. In…

  • Immigration Detention

    Immigration Detention Governments increasingly rely upon detention to control the movement of undocumented migrants and asylum seekers. The right to personal liberty is one of the oldest recognized rights in liberal democracies, which raises fundamental constitutional questions about the use of detention as an immigration measure. However, in common law countries (and in many civil…

  • Immigration Detention

    Immigration Detention Governments increasingly rely upon detention to control the movement of undocumented migrants and asylum seekers. The right to personal liberty is one of the oldest recognized rights in liberal democracies, which raises fundamental constitutional questions about the use of detention as an immigration measure. However, in common law countries (and in many civil…

  • Alternatives to Incarceration

    Alternatives to Incarceration Structural Liberty Restrictions Incarceration Boot Camps Semi-Incarceration Probation Probation is considered the least restrictive form of punishment in relation to incarceration. With probation, individuals should remain in their own residence. Restrictions as a Form of Punishment Psychological Restrictions Spatial Restrictions See more about curfews, area restrictions, requirements to be a particular place…

  • Immigration Punishment

    Immigration Punishment The Historical Development of Immigration Punishment Understanding Immigration Punishment and Deportation Immigration Detention There is not agreement on the question as to whether immigration detention is or is not punishment. Not all all coercive forms of state power are punishment, but, in fact, immigration detainees senses their experiences of detention as punishment. Specially…