Death Penalty Debate Dignity

Death Penalty Debate Dignity

Capital Punishment The Death Penalty Debate Dignity

In the debate about execution and human dignity, supporters and opponents of the death penalty have found very little common ground. Opponents of capital punishment assert that it is degrading to the humanity of the person punished. Since the 18th century, those who wish to abolish the death penalty have stressed the significance of requiring governments to recognize the importance of each individual. However, supporters of capital punishment see nothing wrong with governments deliberately killing terrible people who commit terrible crimes. Therefore, they see no need to limit governmental power in this area. (1)

Death Penalty Debate contents in this legal Encyclopedia also includes: Death Penalty Debate, Death Penalty Debate Brutality, Death Penalty Debate Dignity, Death Penalty Debate Effectiveness and Death Penalty Debate and Human Rights.


Notes and References

  1. Encarta Online Encyclopedia

See Also



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