Confrontation and Justification

Confrontation And Justification

Summary of Confrontation And Justification

A mechanism employed during multinational trade negotiations to define the positions of the various national delegations. Typically, each participating nation submits to its trading partners a statement of views, proposed tariff cuts, et cetera. During a series of meetings each nation is confronted by the other delegations with questions concerning the degree of tariff cuts proposed, the absence of specific products from consideration, and like matters. The delegation so confronted is obliged to justify its stand on the points raised.

(Main Author: William J. Miller)

Confrontation and Justification and the GATT Policy Negotiations

In relation to the GATT Policy Negotiations, Christopher Mark (1993) provided the following explanation and/or definition of Confrontation and Justification: In negotiating parlance, refers to the process of defining country positions through multilateral cross-examination. Following confrontation, or questioning of a country's policy position or negotiating offers by other countries, the country being confronted is expected to respond with justification of its stand on the points raised.



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