MPEPIL: Law of the sea

MPEPIL: Law of the sea


Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (MPEPIL) list of articles of this subject.

List of articles pertaining to this subject:
Law of the sea:

1. Abu Dhabi Oil Arbitration, Dolzer, Rudolf
2. Admiralty Law, de la Motte, Thomas
3. Alabama Arbitration, Bingham, Tom
4. Altmark, The, Pierlings, Tobias
5. Aqaba, Gulf of, Gioia, Andrea
6. Archipelagic Waters, Jiménez Piernas, Carlos
7. Artificial Islands, Installations and Structures, Oude Elferink, Alex G
8. Baselines, Scovazzi, Tullio
9. Bays and Gulfs, Gioia, Andrea
10. Beagle Channel Dispute, de La Fayette, Louise Angélique
11. Belts and Sund, Bangert, Kaare
12. Border and Transborder Armed Actions Case (Nicaragua v Honduras; Nicaragua v Costa Rica), von Walter, André
13. Cabotage, Giemulla, Elmar M
14. Caroline, The, Greenwood, Christopher
15. Collisions at Sea, Shearer, Ivan
16. Common Heritage of Mankind, Wolfrum, Rüdiger
17. Compensation Fund, Kojima, Chie
18. Conferences on the Law of the Sea, Rosenne, Shabtai and Gebhard, Julia
19. Contiguous Zone, Caminos, Hugo
20. Continental Shelf , Stoll, Peter-Tobias
21. Continental Shelf Arbitration (France v United Kingdom), Oude Elferink, Alex G
22. Continental Shelf Case (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya/Malta), Oude Elferink, Alex G
23. Continental Shelf, Commission on the Limits of the, Oude Elferink, Alex G
24. Corfu Channel Case, Waibel, Michael
25. Costa Rica Packet Arbitration, Dietzmann, Jeannine
26. Delagoa Bay Arbitration, Holm-Hadulla, Moritz
27. Dover, Strait of, Anderson, David Heywood
28. Ecological Protection Zones, Wolf, Sarah
29. Enclosed or Semi-Enclosed Seas, Budislav, Vukas
30. Environmental Accidents, Boyle, Alan and Harrison, James
31. Estuaries, Franckx, Erik
32. Exclusive Economic Zone , Nelson, Dolliver
33. Fish Stocks, Bangert, Kaare
34. Fisheries Agreements, Bangert, Kaare
35. Fisheries Case (United Kingdom v Norway), Seibert-Fohr, Anja
36. Fisheries Jurisdiction Case (Spain v Canada), Pfeil, Julia
37. Fisheries Jurisdiction Cases (United Kingdom v Iceland; Federal Republic of Germany v Iceland), Tomka, Peter
38. Fisheries, Coastal, Churchill, Robin R
39. Fisheries, Commissions and Organizations, Freestone, David
40. Fisheries, High Seas , Freestone, David
41. Fisheries, Sedentary, Kojima, Chie
42. Fishery Zones and Limits, Rothwell, Donald R
43. Fishing Boats, Churchill, Robin R
44. Flag of Ships, Künig, Doris
45. Flags of Convenience, Künig, Doris
46. Florida, The, Trevisanut, Seline
47. Flying Trader, The, Holzer, Vanessa
48. Free Ports, Vitzthum, Wolfgang Graf
49. Geographically Disadvantaged States, Hafner, Gerhard
50. Gibraltar, Strait of, Rothwell, Donald R
51. Grisbadarna Case, Mahmoudi, Said
52. Gulf of Maine Case, Nelson, Dolliver
53. Heleanna Incident, Oeter, Stefan
54. High Seas , Treves, Tullio
55. Historic Titles, Gioia, Andrea
56. Hospital Ships, de Oliveira Godinho, Fabiana
57. Hot Pursuit, Caminos, Hugo
58. Hovering Acts, Gilmore, Bill
59. I’m Alone, The, Caminos, Hugo
60. Innocent Passage, Hakapaa, Kari
61. Internal Waters, Bangert, Kaare
62. International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA), Virzo, Roberto
63. International Maritime Organization (IMO), Mensah, Thomas A
64. International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds, Mensah, Thomas A
65. International Seabed Area, Graf Vitzthum, Wolfgang
66. International Seabed Authority (ISA), Wood, Michael
67. International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Rao, Patibandla Chandrasekhara
68. International Watercourses, Environmental Protection, McCaffrey, Stephen C
69. Intertanko Case, Lorenzmeier, Stefan
70. Islands, Dipla, Haritini
71. Islands, New, Dipla, Haritini
72. Jan Mayen, Ulfstein, Geir
73. Kasikili/Sedudu Island Case (Botswana/Namibia), Maierhüfer, Christian
74. Kronprins Gustaf Adolf and Pacific Arbitration, Mahmoudi, Said
75. La Bretagne, Arbitral Award, Couzigou, Irène
76. Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria Case (Cameroon v Nigeria), Khan, Daniel-Erasmus
77. Land-Locked States, Hafner, Gerhard
78. Land, Island and Maritime Frontier Dispute Case (El Salvador/Honduras: Nicaragua Intervening), Philipp, Christiane E
79. Law of the Sea, Treves, Tullio
80. Law of the Sea, History of, Kirchner, Andree
81. Law of the Sea, Settlement of Disputes , Rao, Patibandla Chandrasekhara
82. Lighthouses and Lightships, Virzo, Roberto
83. Liner Conferences, Carbone, Sergio M
84. London Naval Conference (1908-1909), Fleck, Dieter
85. Lotus, The, von Bogdandy, Armin and Rau, Markus
86. Lusitania, The, Traunmüller, Karin
87. Marine Environment, International Protection, Künig, Doris
88. Marine Mammals, ProelàŸ, Alexander
89. Marine Pollution from Ships, Prevention of and Responses to, Mensah, Thomas A
90. Marine Protected Areas, Wolf, Sarah
91. Marine Scientific Research , Treves, Tullio
92. Maritime Boundary between Guinea and Guinea-Bissau Arbitration (Guinea v Guinea-Bissau), Scovazzi, Tullio
93. Maritime Boundary between Guinea-Bissau and Senegal Arbitration and Case (Guinea-Bissau v Senegal), Scovazzi, Tullio
94. Maritime Delimitation and Territorial Questions between Qatar and Bahrain (Qatar v Bahrain), Mendelson QC, Maurice
95. Maritime Delimitation between Greenland and Jan Mayen Case (Denmark v Norway), Ulfstein, Geir
96. Maritime Delimitation between Nicaragua and Honduras in the Caribbean Sea Case (Nicaragua v Honduras), de La Fayette, Louise Angélique
97. Maritime Delimitation Cases before International Courts and Tribunals, Scovazzi, Tullio
98. Maritime Jurisdiction, Nelson, Dolliver
99. Maritime Safety Regulations, Mensah, Thomas A
100. Mediterranean Sea, Papanicolopulu, Irini
101. Merchant Ships, Lagoni, Rainer
102. Migratory Species, International Protection, ProelàŸ, Alexander
103. Minquiers and Ecrehos Case, Lowe, Vaughan and Tzanakopoulos, Antonios
104. MOX Plant Arbitration and Cases, Churchill, Robin R
105. Muscat Dhows, The, Nelson, Dolliver
106. Naval Demonstrations and Manoeuvres, Stephens, Dale and Skousgaard, Tristan
107. Naval Warfare, Ronzitti, Natalino
108. Navigation, Freedom of, Hoffmann, Albert
109. Neutrality in Naval Warfare, Roach, J Ashley
110. North Sea Continental Shelf Cases, Oude Elferink, Alex G
111. Nuclear Powered Ships, Nakatani, Kazuhiro
112. Nuclear Tests Cases, Watts QC, Arthur
113. Nyon Agreement (1937), Kunig, Philip and van Aggelen, Johannes
114. Palmas Island Arbitration, Hausler, Katharina and Hofbauer, Jane A
115. Paria, Gulf of, Gioia, Andrea
116. Passage through the Great Belt Case (Finland v Denmark), Koskenniemi, Martti
117. Pearl Fisheries, Macalister-Smith, Peter
118. Peleus, The, Traunmüller, Karin
119. Persian Gulf, Gioia, Andrea
120. Piracy , Shearer, Ivan
121. Port State Jurisdiction, Molenaar, Erik Jaap
122. Ports, Lagoni, Rainer
123. Postal Ships, Hinrichs Oyarce, Ximena
124. Prize Law, Kraska, James
125. Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI), Byers, Michael
126. Prompt Release of Vessels and Crews, Anderson, David Heywood
127. Pueblo Incident (1968), Hinrichs Oyarce, Ximena
128. Rainbow Warrior, The, Hoss, Cristina and Morgan-Foster, Jason
129. Red Crusader Incident (1961), Hinrichs Oyarce, Ximena
130. Regional Seas, Environmental Protection, Baker, Betsy and Share, Alison
131. River Bridges, Herdegen, Matthias
132. Roadsteads, Churchill, Robin R
133. Rocks, Van Dyke, Jon M
134. Safe Conduct and Safe Passage, Kraska, James
135. Safe Harbour, Van Dyke, Jon M
136. Saiga Cases, de La Fayette, Louise Angélique
137. Salvage, Garabello, Roberta
138. Sea Fisheries Cases before the European Court of Justice, Franckx, Erik
139. Sea Lanes, Rothwell, Donald R
140. Ships in Distress, Noyes, John E
141. Ships, Diverting and Ordering into Port, Jones, John Paul
142. Ships, Visit and Search, Lowe, Vaughan and Tzanakopoulos, Antonios
143. Southern Bluefin Tuna Cases, Boyle, Alan
144. Sovereignty over Pedra Branca/Pulau Batu Puteh, Middle Rocks and South Ledge Case (Malaysia/Singapore), Suarez, Suzette V
145. Sovereignty over Pulau Ligitan and Pulau Sipadan Case (Indonesia/Malaysia), Suarez, Suzette V
146. St Pierre and Miquelon Arbitration, Highet, Keith
147. State Ships, Rodriguez Iglesias, Gil Carlos
148. Straddling and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks, Anderson, David Heywood
149. Straits, International, Lapidoth, Ruth
150. Submarine Warfare, Roach, J Ashley
151. Submarines, Nakatani, Kazuhiro
152. Territorial and Maritime Dispute Case (Nicaragua v Colombia), de La Fayette, Louise Angélique
153. Territorial Change, Effects of, Hernández, Gleider I
154. Territorial Sea, Wolf, Sarah
155. Timor Island Arbitration, Hilpold, Peter
156. Torrey Canyon, The, Pfeil, Julia
157. Transit Passage, Mahmoudi, Said
158. Treaties , Fitzmaurice, Malgosia
159. Treaty Making Power, Peters, Anne
160. Underwater Cultural Heritage, Scovazzi, Tullio
161. United States v California Cases, Shelton, Dinah
162. Universality, Nollkaemper, André
163. Walvis Bay, Hoffmann, Albert
164. Warning Zones at Sea, Somers, Eduard
165. Warships, Heintschel von Heinegg, Wolff
166. Warships, Sunken, Ashley Roach, J
167. Whaling, Braig, Jochen
168. Wimbledon, The, Feinaugle, Clemens



See Also

References and Further Reading

About the Author/s and Reviewer/s

Author: international

Mentioned in these Entries

Continental Shelf, Exclusive Economic Zone, High Seas, Marine Scientific Research, Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, Piracy, Settlement of Disputes, Treaties.



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