Guide to Legal Assistance for Immigrants

Legal Assistance for Immigrants

Immigration Basics-Legal Help (American Immigration Law Foundation)
If you or a family member is interested in living in the United States, you may need someone who can help you understand U.S. immigration laws and who can help you apply for legal status. This page will help you decide if you need an immigration lawyer and what you need to know to choose a qualified lawyer or authorized representative. Lawyers will tell you what to expect up front. They will warn you of the risks and possibilities that can reasonably be expected.
Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC)
National resource center that provides training, materials, and Advocacy to advance immigrant rights. As a legal services organization, the ILRC trains lawyers and paralegals on ever-changing and complex immigration law; encourages immigrants to play leading roles in confronting and reshaping the laws and policies that perpetuate racial, economic and social injustice; and educates and empowers those in the immigrant community so that they may organize and advocate for the rights and privileges that best define our democratic traditions.
Immigrant and Refugee Appellate Center (IRAC)
IRAC is a law practice devoted to appellate work on behalf of aliens, primarily before the Board of Immigration Appeals, Executive Office for Immigration Review, United States Department of Justice (BIA). It occasionally represents aliens before federal circuit courts of appeal.
The Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project
Nonprofit legal service organization that provides free legal services to men, women and children detained by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), formerly known as the INS. Although the government assists indigent criminal defendants and civil litigants through public defenders and legal aid attorneys, it does not provide attorneys for people facing deportation charges. As a result, 90 percent of the detained people go unrepresented due to poverty. The Florence Project strives to address this inequity both locally and nationally.
Free Web site run by an international consortium of agencies to help asylum seekers in Australia, Canada, the United States, and several countries in Europe. Includes information on how to find a lawyer or agency to help you; legal documents to support asylum claims; and information about the law and process of asylum in several countries.



See Also

References and Further Reading

About the Author/s and Reviewer/s

Author: international

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