Resumption of the Judgments Project

Resumption of the Judgments Project

Resumption of the Judgments Project in 2013 (Continuation)

United States views on international law [1] in relation to Resumption of the Judgments Project: Third, we appreciate the Permanent Bureau's recommendation that “at the appropriate time” the Council can consider the results of the work of the Working Group and the recommendations of the Experts' Group in order to determine the scope and nature of the future instruments. We wish to make clear, however, that the Council should consider the work product of the Working Group and the Experts' Group at such times as the relevant group presents its findings to the Council. The presentations of these two groups, which have very different mandates, need not be, and should not be, made in tandem. …



  1. Resumption of the Judgments Project in the Digest of United States Practice in International Law



