Multinational Corporation

Multinational Corporation

Multinational Corporation in International Trade

Meaning of Multinational Corporation (MNC), according to the Dictionary of International Trade (Global Negotiator): A large commercial organization with affiliates operating companies in a number of different countries. A typically one normally functions with a headquarters that is based in one country, while other facilities are based in locations in other countries. In some circles, this type of corporation is referred to as a multinational enterprise (MBE) or a transnational corporation (TNC). There are several models of multinational corporations:

Centralized: in this model the executive headquarters are in one nation, while production facilities are located in one or more other countries. This model often allows the company to take advantage of benefits of incorporating in a given locality, while also being able to produce goods and services in areas where the cost of production is lower.

Regional: a third approach to the setup of an MNC involves the establishment of a headquarters in one country that oversees a diverse conglomeration that stretches to many different countries and industries. With this model, the corporation includes affiliates, subsidiaries and possibly even some facilities that report directly to the headquarters.

Multinational: in this model there is a parent company base in one nation and operate subsidiaries in other countries around the world. With this model, just about all the functions of the parent are based in the country of origin. The subsidiaries more or less function independently, outside of a few basic ties to the parent.

In a globalized world multinational corporations sometimes has a greater ability to adapt to economic and political shifts that corporations that function in a single nation. Along with decreasing costs associated with producing core products, this business model also opens the door for diversification, which often makes it possible for a company to remain solvent even when one division or subsidiary is posting a temporary loss. See holding company; parent company; sister company; subsidiary.

Multinational Corporation (mnc) (in the Human Development Area)

In this context, Multinational Corporation (mnc) means:

a company operating in a number of countries that has production or service facilities outside the country of its origin. As a rule, an MNC is an enterprise producing at least 25 per cent of its world output outside its country of origin.



