Market Access Data Base

Market Access Data Base

Market Access Data Base in International Trade

Meaning of Market Access Data Base, according to the Dictionary of International Trade (Global Negotiator): Database of the European Union with comprehensive information about tariffs in all countries of the world to European products and documents required for export to each country. It is only accessible to members of the EU countries. It has two very useful resources for European companies that want to o export to non EU countries:

Tariffs: tariffs rates that must be paid to export to each country. The search is performed by tariff codes (4 or 6 digits) and countries of destination of the goods.

Import Documents: all documents required by the customs of non EU member for each commodity. It is necessary to insert the tariff code of the product (4 or 6 digits) and the countries of destination. For each document the site provides the model and explains how to complete it.



