Psychological Stress And Adoption Support Groups

Psychological Stress and Adoption Support Groups

Psychological Stress and Adoption Support Groups

People who find that they cannot give birth to children often grieve for the biological children they might have had. Once the grieving process is over, many people who desire to become parents seek to adopt. The adoption process itself can be emotionally draining. During this stressful period people often seek emotional support from professional counselors or adoptive parent support groups. These groups, made up of adoptive parents and people currently engaged in the adoption process, often provide invaluable assistance and information to their members. Many people trying to adopt feel isolated, and participating in an adoption support group provides them with a sympathetic community of people who understand their feelings. Many groups provide information about parenting for people who have adopted children.

Birth parents giving their children up for adoption may experience their own grieving process, and can turn to national or local support groups for assistance. Some support groups also provide a community setting where either grown or minor adopted children can interact with other adopted children. Support groups for all parties involved in adoption exist throughout the United States. They can be located through the Internet, local libraries, adoption agencies, or attorneys specializing in adoption. (1)

In this Section: Adoption, Adoption and Foster Care, Adoption Contents (including Adoptions by Relatives or Stepparents, Agency and Private-Placement Adoptions, Adoptions: Intermediaries and Materially Assisting Persons and Open and Closed Adoptions), Adoption Legal Issues, International Adoption, Psychological Stress and Adoption Support Groups, Telling Adopted Children About Their Adoption, Searching for Biological Parents and Transracial Adoptions.


Notes and References

  1. Encarta Online Encyclopedia

See Also



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