International Law Scope

International Law Scope

International Law: Matters of International Concern

Introduction to International Law Scope

The scope of international law is vast. Nearly every matter of legal regulation within a nation has some international counterpart. Over the last century, advances in communications technology, growth in global trade and travel, and the advent of weapons of mass destruction have led to an enormous expansion in the range of topics regulated by international law. In addition to the classic matters of diplomacy, war and peace, trade, and territorial boundaries, international law now covers matters as diverse as environmental protection, human rights, nuclear testing, war crimes, outer space, child custody, recognition of wills and testaments, exchange of prisoners, and protection of archaeological sites and art treasures. This section discusses several major areas of international law, including peace and security, human rights, the environment, and the global commons.” (1)

International Practice Areas

Some Practice Areas include the following:

  • Immigration – Immigration law involves both entry rights – the process of allowing immigrants into a country – and internal rights – their subsequent status and potential path to citizenship. Although every nation develops its own body of immigration law, certain aspects – such as asylum rights and refugee protections – are governed by international law. See immigration for further information.
  • International litigation – Litigation involving parties from different countries. Often involves issues of jurisdiction and enforcement of international judgments in the home country. international litigation for further information.
  • International transactions – Transactions, often conducted through contracts, that are between parties from different countries. These transactions are generally governed by the body of international commercial law. international transactions for further information.
  • Cross border – In many ways a subset of international transactions but itself a very broad practice, cross border work always involves transactions with foreign entities. Deals can involve capital markets, the movement of money from one place to another within the market, as well as securities. cross-border law for further information.
  • International trade law – A practice that helps facilitate the movement of goods and technology across borders. Import-export laws, trade laws, and tax laws are involved, many of which are derived from treaties and national statutes. international trade law for further information.
  • Outsourcing – A recently created practice area, outsourcing practitioners help companies move portions of their operations overseas. outsourcing for further information.
  • International arbitration – Private adjudication between parties from differing nations who choose to avoid domestic and international courts by setting rules in their contract regarding dispute resolution. Those rules usually establish a third party arbiter in advance of conflict. international arbitration for further information


Notes and References

Guide to International Law Scope




