Tag: Political History

  • Political Pluralism

    Political Pluralism Pluralism in Politics On the basis of some decades of experience, one can reasonably argue that eclmic pluralism is entirely compatible with the existence of a unified republic. Kallen would have said that it is simply the expression of democracy in the sphere of culture. It is, however, an unexpected expression: the American…

  • Political History as Science

    Political History as Science The New Political History as Science While the origins and presuppositions of the new political history were diverse and complex, they are easy to trace because the new genre was far more conscious of methodology than historians had ever been before. Newsletters, journals and training programs were established to study and…

  • Political History

    Political History Introduction From the beginning of recorded history, one aspect of the political world that has become clear over the years is that it is never static for a long period of time. Nations may last for centuries or more, but an examination of nearly any state’s political history will demonstrate that change is…