Tag: Management Terms

  • Prior Authorization

    Prior Authorization in Aging Law Concept of Prior Authorization in the context of Community Health Care and Services for Older Persons, published by the World Health Organization (WHO):A requirement imposed by a third party payer under many systems of utilization review in which a provider […]

  • Grace Period

    Grace Period in Aging Law Concept of Grace Period in the context of Community Health Care and Services for Older Persons, published by the World Health Organization (WHO):A period past the due date of an insurance premium, during which coverage may not be cancelled.

  • Licence

    Licence/licensure in Aging Law Concept of Licence/licensure in the context of Community Health Care and Services for Older Persons, published by the World Health Organization (WHO):A permission granted to an individual or organization by a competent authority, usually public, to engage […]

  • Cost Sharing

    Cost Sharing in Aging Law Concept of Cost Sharing in the context of Community Health Care and Services for Older Persons, published by the World Health Organization (WHO):Payment method whereby a person is required to pay some health costs in order to receive medical care. The general set of […]

  • Community Rating

    Community Rating in Aging Law Concept of Community Rating in the context of Community Health Care and Services for Older Persons, published by the World Health Organization (WHO):A method for the determination of health insurance premiums that spreads the risk among members of a large […]

  • Underwriting

    Underwriting Definition Underwriting may be defined as assuming the risk of having to pay insurance benefits, or buying the entire issue of stocks or bonds from a company for resale. Meanings For information on: * organizations that underwrite insurance, see Reciprocals, […]

  • General Liability Insurance

    General Liability Insurance in Aging Law Concept of General Liability Insurance in the context of Community Health Care and Services for Older Persons, published by the World Health Organization (WHO):Insurance which covers the risk of loss for most accidents and injuries to third parties (the […]

  • Catastrophic Health Insurance

    Catastrophic Health Insurance in Aging Law Concept of Catastrophic Health Insurance in the context of Community Health Care and Services for Older Persons, published by the World Health Organization (WHO):Health insurance which provides protection against the high cost of treating severe or […]