Tag: Law Schools
Foreign Laws
Foreign Laws Secondary Sources: The subscription-based Foreign Law Guide: Current Sources of Codes and Basic Legislation in Jurisdictions of the World by Reynolds and Flores explains the legal bibliographies of most foreign countries, including subject-specific treatises in English [formerly published by F. B. Rothman as a looseleaf under the title Foreign Laws]. The blue pages…
Legal Encyclopedias
Legal encyclopedias provide (generally) a brief, integrated statement of the law. They pull together an enormous body of legal literature, definitions, rules, and practice points derived mainly from case law. Indexes and cross-references are provided. Sections may be written by experts or by […]
Legal Treatises
Introduction The term treatise, in the Common law systems, usually refers to an in-depth scholarly work on a particular subject area. As law encyclopedias, Restatements of the Law, American Law Reports and law journal articles, legal treatises are […]
Jurisprudential Thought
Jurisprudential Thought This entry covers the Schools of Jurisprudential Thought. Schools of Legal Theories Law has different meanings as well as different functions. Philosophers have considered issues of justice and law for centuries, and several different approaches, or schools of legal thought, have emerged. In this chapter, we will look at those different meanings and…
Legal Citation
Legal citations are the references in the text or in footnotes to the primary source of the rule being used, the source of proof or authority. In the United States In the United States, if you are searching for a legal citation you must use the precise […]
Constitutional Law Outline
Constitutional Law Outline Law School Outlines Comparative Constitutional Law Outline For example, a comparative perspective of the comparative laws of the U.K. and the U.S. Comparative Constitutional Law, Politics, and International Human Rights Constitutionalism and Constitutional Law Constitutional Foundings and Transformations Constitutional Structures Structures of Judicial Review Diffuse, Generalist, Strong-Form Review: The United States Centralized…
KF Modified
KF Modified Classification (Canada) KF Modified is the short form for KF Classification Modified for Use in Canadian Law Libraries and is a classification suitable for legal collections in any common Law library . Generally, and contrary to the Library of Congress (LC) classification scheme, KF Modified organizes legal information by topic first and then…
Ray A. August
Ray A. August Professor Ray August teaches in the College of Business and Economics at Washington State University in Pullman, Washington. He is the coordinator for the College’s business law program and he teaches courses on international business law, public international law, cyberlaw, and American business law. His courses feature animated on-line lectures that students…
Osborn’s Concise Law Dictionary
Osborn’s Concise Law Dictionary Since 1927, the Osborn’s Concise Law Dictionary has provided English students and practitioners a succint guide to the special language of the law, which serves as well as a source of reference. His strenght has been traditionally the concise way (the 7th edition had 390 pages while the 6th Revised edition…
Adhémar Esmein
Jean Paul Hippolyte Emmanuel Adhémar Esmein Jean Paul Hippolyte Emmanuel Adhémar Esmein (1848-1913), French jurist, was born at Tourvérac, Charente, Feb. 1 1848, In 1888 he became professor of law in the university of Paris, and in 1904 member of the Institute of France. His best-known works are Cours élémentaire d’histoire du droit français (1895)…
Basic concepts to studying law
Basic concepts to studying law This is a list of indispensable precursor concepts for anyone interested in studying law. They are items that, if discussed in first year, will make the Learning experience more fruitful. Of course, students need not master the intricacies of these enormously broad and significant topics right at the outset, but…
Law School success books
Books about Law Practice and School Success, for Students This entry lists below several books which may be useful to law students who want a good overview of law school and how to excel as a law student, including books on writing law school exams. •Ali, Ramsey et al. The ABC’s of Law School: A…
Legal research: resources for libraries
Some of the Websites presented in this section were created by universities or government agencies. Other sites come from professional associations or other organizations. The Websites are presented in alphabetical order. American Association of Law Libraries Washington Affairs Office https://www.ll.georgetown.edu/aallwash/ The American Association of Law Libraries includes a number of items that are of interest…
Legal research: Law of Libraries and Archives
Legal Research : Law of Libraries and Archives Knowing the laws affecting the librarians work is important, spacially with some issues, such as intellectual property, have been plagued by conflicting and confusing advice. Bryan M. Carson, a working librarian with a law degree, published “The Law of Libraries and Archives”. This work of nearly 400…
U.S. Criminal law careers links
U.S. Criminal law and criminal justice careers links Career Options To learn about various career options and what types of employment are available in the Criminal Justice field, check out the links below. You can learn about hundreds of job opportunities and career paths! Career Overview Criminal Justice USA HS Careers AllCriminalJusticeSchools Legal-Criminal-Justice-Schools CriminalJusticeDegreeSchools CriminalJusticeSchoolInfo…