Tag: Book Corruption on International Contracts

  • UNIDROIT Principles

    The task of harmonizing world commercial law turns out to be different from what might have appeared to be the case a decade ago. It is now clear that there will not be one single monumental document that will harmonize all legal rules. Instead, the situation I have described, in which at least seven kinds…

  • UNIDROIT Principles

    The task of harmonizing world commercial law turns out to be different from what might have appeared to be the case a decade ago. It is now clear that there will not be one single monumental document that will harmonize all legal rules. Instead, the situation I have described, in which at least seven kinds…

  • International Business Arbitration

    International business arbitration American Arbitration Association International Council for Commercial Arbitration International Chamber of Commerce. Court of Arbitration Permanent Court of Arbitration Arbitration and award, International Arbitration and award, International Cases Arbitration and award Pacific Area Conflict of laws Arbitration and award Arbitration, International Arbitration and award Latin America Arbitration and award, International Periodicals Dispute…